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Kyle had managed to find where Sam had been laid to rest. She was in a graveyard across the other side of London. Now all he had to do was work up the courage to go. He decided he would leave it a few weeks. He had other things to deal with, now his bank accounts had finally been freed up he could look at getting a place to live. Though that idea didn't seem as appealing as it once had. Going back to the flat and to their secret spot hadn't made things better. And he doubted going to her grave would improve it either. It just made it more real. He suddenly didn't want to participate in the real world. He wanted to stay here in his one room, locked away from everyones prying eyes.

He'd been making a real effort to let Eve know she could trust him. He'd been helping Mikey with his school work and entertaining Shane's every request of him. The shed had been finished and even painted, the garden completely mown and sheered. He'd even managed to redecorate the bathroom and kitchen for them. He'd cooked dinners and ran errands. He wanted to stay and he wanted his hosts to be glad of his help. He liked it there. During the day he had the house to himself. And during the night and at weekends he had all the company he wanted.

But for all his trying, it didn't get him very far. Eve had run to the shops for ice one Saturday, and it was just the boys in the house, playing football in the lovely summer sun in the back garden. Kyle's phone began to ring and he excused himself for a moment. Just a moment was all it took for Eve to return and find Dan alone with the children, giggling away as he pretended to miss a save so Mikey could win.

'Hey. Wheres Kyle?' Asked Eve, confused. Dan smiled kindly at her.

'He's just taking a call in the house.'

'He's...what?' Dan saw the anger flash over her face. She ushered the boys inside, leaving Dan stood feeling incredibly vulnerable. He hadn't done anything wrong, so why was she so determined to not trust him? He thought he was better staying outside to give her a few minutes to talk to Kyle. And he didn't need to be inside to hear her shouting.


'It was for half a minute Eve. What was he gonna do? Sell them for crack?'

'I told you to never leave him alone with them. Never. Not even for a second. Get him out of this house, right now.'

'We cant kick him out!'

'He was suppose to be here two weeks. It's been over a month.'

'Eve, please. You know he's had a little set back. And you know he's looking for a place now. Just a few more days.'

'No. You know I love you and I will do anything for you. I know he's your best friend and you spent the entirety of our marriage searching for him. But you have two young boys, a family to put first now. I can't do this Kyle. And I know I'm being a bitch but I have to put their safety first.'

'If we kick him out, he will slip up and he'll be off again. I can't-'

'Fine. Then I'll go. Come on boys. Were going to Grannys.'

'Eve, no.' There was more muffled shouting for a few minutes, the sound of the front door slamming shut. Dan sat on the grass. He waited nervously. He couldn't believe that had just happened. And he wasn't sure of the outcome. No matter what happened next, he knew his time at the Simmons was over. Just as things had started to fall into place, it had all crumbled around him once more.

'Dan, I'm so sorry, I hope you didn't hear that.' Kyle sat down next to him on the grass, picking up and rolling about the football that had just minutes before been the centre of their fun afternoon.

'I'm gonna leave.'

'No you're not. No way. She's gone to her mums. She can stay there.'

'Please don't...I can't have this on my conscience as well.'

'You've done nothing wrong.' Kyle put his arm around Dan's shoulders and looked right into his eyes. 'Please never think that. I need you here with me, for now, until you are ready to move out. She doesn't get it.'

'But what about Mikey and Shane?'

'They'll be fine. I'll give them a few days and then I'll go to my mother in laws to see them. But Dan, honestly, don't blame yourself for this.' It was easy for Kyle to say that. But he felt the guilt deep down in his stomach, making him feel sick. Once again, his actions had ruined lives, and this time the lives of two innocent children.

For the first time since the start of his recovery, he badly needed a drink. He wanted to drink and numb himself, just for a little while.

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