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Kyle had dived into a house, leaving Dan in the car, alone. He looked up at the beautiful brick building with massive bay windows and a lovely little front garden. He noticed children's toys in the upstairs windows. Was this where Kyle lived now? It looked like a really nice area. A far cry from where Dan had been living.

'Here.' Kyle threw a pair of jeans and tshirt at him as he got back in the car a few minutes later. 'Put those on.' He drove again as Dan wiggled out of his pyjamas and into actual clothes.

They listened to the radio, Dan singing along happily. He hadn't listened to music or sung for so long. He could feel his heart lifting. It was hard to wipe the smile off his face. He caught Kyle smiling at him a few times. It felt so good to be out. Free. This was just what he needed. But he still didnt know where they were going.

Until they pulled up outside the Apollo. One of his favourite places they'd played. He looked up in awe. So many happy memories. This was where he'd felt most at home. He hadn't always loved performing in front of people. It had taken him a few years to feel comfortable with people looking at him as he sung. But as soon as he began to sing, he'd always felt like this was where he was supposed to be.

Kyle had a quick word with the venue manager. Luckily, there was no one playing there today. Dan heard him promise they wouldn't be long, and that it was part of Dan's recovery. They were then lead into the main hall. It seemed so different when it was empty. Last time he'd been there, it had been packed to the rafters with screaming fans. Kyle stood by the main doors as Dan wandered around. He could almost hear the atmosphere ringing in his ears. He felt tingly. His stomach was flipping. Could this be something to aim for? To get the band back together and performing once more? He felt the world at his feet right then. And a familiar need filled him from head to toe. And it wasn't the need for a drink. He wanted to write again.

He pulled himself up onto the empty stage and gazed out. This was it. This was just what he needed.

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