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With Eve and the children gone and just Dan for company, Kyle was feeling horribly claustrophobic. As much as he loved Dan, with his whole heart, he found it incredibly difficult to be around him right then. He didn't dare look him in the eye. Knowing what he'd done...

It had been a horrible, sickening accident. One that he had no control over. She'd run right out in front of him from nowhere. He braked hard but he still hit her. It had happened so fast yet so slowly in his mind. He saw her face just before she hit his windscreen. That beautiful face had been in his dreams every night ever since. He'd been devastated to learn she had died instantly, on the road, alone. Then Dan had gone missing and then Mikey was born only two weeks later. For him, those were the darkest days of his life. But it had all been put behind him when he'd found Dan.

And here he was, feeling raw and devastated all over again. Having to stare the truth in the face every morning over breakfast and whilst they hung out at night. And then there was Eve. Would she even come back when Dan moved out? They'd never really had an argument before. Certainly not one that forced her to take the boys and not return any phonecalls or texts.

They both sat there, each feeling as down as the other, two nights after Eve's departure. Kyle did his best to liven Dan up but it was hard. He'd checked that he'd taken his tablets and offered to phone Mrs Turnbull for an emergency appointment.

'I'm alright.' He assured Kyle.

'But you've been a bit off since we went to the flat. Maybe you should talk to the doctors?'

'I don't want to waste anyones time.'

'It's their job. She told you to get in touch if you needed anything.'

'I know.' He sighed. He fiddled with his phone. More time and silence passed. Kyle couldn't sit in the house any longer.

'Right, lets get out of here. I'm going nuts sat here.'


'I don't know. I'd normally go to a pub but-'

'Let's go then.'

'We can't.'

'Sure we can. I'll have a coke. I don't mind.'

There was a bar just down the road from the house. Kyle had never really been in it. He'd barely been out since the children were born. He wasn't sure this was a good idea, but it was all he could think about doing. He would be putting Dan in a difficult situation, one that he wasn't sure he could come out of unscathed.

'No, we can't. I can't do that to you.'

'Kyle, I'll be fine. You want to go out and have a drink and I want to come with you. It's what friends do, right?' He seemed keen to go. Kyle still felt it wasn't appropriate, but in his mind, he needed to do this. He'd happily go alone but Dan wanted to go too. So off the two men went into the night.

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