Crimson past.

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- Zaks P.O.V. -

After (y/n) said her last sentence, it seemed like something was wrong. "Need another break? Are you sure you want to continue?" I asked her, being quite concerned again. "I'm fine, just a bit sad I suppose.." She replied, with a weak, almost forced smile.

- (y/n)s P.O.V -

I had to say something. I felt like he needed to know everything I had to say, so I continued, trying not to show too much sadness. "So, after the 18th January of 2016, I became addicted to something not anyone, takes positively.."

- Zaks P.O.V -

I tried holding my bits of anger back. Someone has to be behind this, that made her do whatever she was about to say. "It's okay to tell me, nothing's going to change." I tell her, trying to sound like I'm fine.

- (y/n)s P.O.V -

 I saw Zak being somewhat uneasy. "Well, I sure hope so. Wouldn't be surprised to see you run off like all the others." I said sarcastically, not wanting to believe him too well; I trust no one after all. I motioned for Zak to come closer. "Look at your own risk. You've been warned.." I exhale, and a little nervous, I pull up my left sleeve. "I became addicted to cutting. From scratches, to what ever the Hell it went to."

- Zaks P.O.V -

I saw scars on her arms and upper wrists. I wasn't shocked. I was furious. "Are those the reasons, why you have no friends anymore?" I ask her, now emotionally somewhat drained. She pulls her sleeve down again and replies. "What else did you think it was? I don't smoke or drink anyways." She stands up rather suddenly, and walks to the window. She stares out to the empty driveway, lit by streetlights. I stare at the gray carpet, with one question in mind; " Who in the actual Hell is responsible for you turning against yourself?". After a split second I realized I'd said it out loud and quickly apologized.

Plaguing Love. (Zak Bagans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now