Mystery building up.

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  I noticed that something was off with Zak. "Hey, you've seemed off since the waitress showed up at the eating place." I tell him, with a questioning and worried voice. Luckily, everyone else were talking to each other, so I doubt they were listening to us two talk. "Soon you'll see why." He tells me and puts and arm around my shoulders and pulls me to him. I put my head on his shoulder and use my free hand to hug him. I blush while doing so, only being glad about having him. As we get back to the hostel, Zak just waves the guys off and gets into the drivers seat. It's like he was planning something. I wanted to know what was going on though. The curiosity was killing me, since I'm a person who hates lies or secrets- too many bad experiences left me scarred. The whole time we were driving, nobody said a word. "Okay Bagans, tell me, what the Divine parts of Hell are you taking me, in the noon of January?" I ask him, demanding an answer. "You mad or something? Did a demon get the best of you?" He asks back, still not saying where we were going. "I'm not mad, just interested, and a demon, get the best of me? I am a demon myself." I laugh and nudge him. "Okay, if you say so, Lucifers daughter." He tells me and laughs as well. "I need to hug you so bad now Zak." I tell him and lightly cling to his arm, feeling the muscles and everything. I slightly huff in amazement and smile. He noticed that and looked over at me with a smile. We eventually drive past a house, with a pool and a beautiful yard.

Plaguing Love. (Zak Bagans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now