Interesting waitress.

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I find us a place and we all have a seat. The waitress, named Camilla walks up with 5 menus. "Good morning! Here's our menus. We have a morning special food. Anyone interested?" She smiles sweetly. I could tell she recognized Zak and the rest of the crew, except for me ofcourse. "Hmm, okay, let's hear it." Zak says, clearly interested in the food. "We serve vanilla-sugar pancakes, with the side of, maple syrup, or honey. We have a drink with it too." She just keeps going, but I'm surprisingly enough keeping my guard down around her. I finally ask her something. "And what's the drink? Is it something cold?" I put a tiny smile on my face, unfortunately, a fake one. I'm not used to smiling too much to people these days. "The drink is an ice-cream shake. The flavor is up to the customer." She tells us all. After a few seconds she speaks again. "I'll leave you guys to decide what you want to order." She walks off and stumbles a bit. I quickly get on my phone and find her on social media. I'll add her as a friend, since she has always dreamed of Zaks autograph. 

- Zaks P.O.V -

I looked over at (y/n) and saw her looking after the waitress. She had a weird look on her face while looking at the clumsy waitress. "You okay there?" I ask her, jokingly, but with a meaning behind my question. "Yeah." She answers with a somewhat distant tone. "Yeah, I'm okay." She says again, this time faster and seemingly back on Earth. I need to ask her about why she looked the other girl so weird.

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