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It had been a few days since the discovery or my inhuman side, but regardless of that, me and Zak seemed to get along well. "Hey (y/n), since you know I got a dog, do you mind if she lives with us?" He asked me. "I love your dog! I love dogs in general. Of course she can and will livr with us, what were you thinking?" I jump-hug him and smile widely. "Alright, that's awesome," Zak laughs "I'll get her to our place then. I won't be long." He adds and gives me a kiss on the forehead before putting on a jacket and getting to the car. "Stay safe!" I tell him before he gets in the car. "Don't worry about me, be back soon." With that, he gets in the car.

-Time Skip by Gracies pretty face-

Zak comes back after about 20 minutes of being away. He gets out the car and opens the back-seat door. I see Gracie jump out the large dark vehicle, so I open the front door and she runs up to me. I crouch down and hug her as her energetic and happy self snuggles close.
Zak walks towards our large house, Gracies things in hand. "Got everything?„ I ask him, a smile plastered on my face. He smiles back at me. "Yeah, now we need to find a place for her in the house.„ I think for a few seconds and come up with an idea. "What if she'll pick a place herself? I'm sure she'll settle in just fine." He puts the dogs food in a container and throws the bag away, while replying to me. "Yeah, that might work." He asks me to place down the bowls for food and water. I switch on the tap and get some water into one of the bowls, after which I place both bowls on the kitchen floor. I grab a few chewing toys and go to the living room as Gracie follows me along.

Plaguing Love. (Zak Bagans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now