Hungry Aaron.

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- Aarons P.O.V. -

The silence seemed to be getting louder, so I decided to break it. "Soooo, who loves pancakes? I know I do!" I say cheerfully. "I like them too." (y/n) says. "Let's order the Daily Special then." I hear Zak say. "Sounds good to me." Jay says, and Billy agrees. "Finally! I'm starving already." I laugh and exhale , being very glad we're going to eat.

-Zaks P.O.V -

Aaron looked like he was about to die to an empty stomach, so I called a waiter over and placed our orders. "What flavor drinks someone is going to have?" The waiter named Andy asks. "Hmm, I guess me and (y/n) are going to get mint, Aaron will get chocolate, Jay vanilla and Billy.. Billy what will you have?" I ask him. "Emm, I'll take mint as well." He tells me after a minute of thinking. "Okay. Will that be all?" Andy asks us, well, me, to be exact. "Yeah, that's all." He nods and leaves quickly.

- Time skip, brought to you by Zaks designer glasses-

- (y/n)s P.O.V -

Finally the delicious looking and smelling pancakes arrive. "They look so good!" I basically scream out loud, with Aaron doing the same. "Jinxx!" I tell him and poke him. He laughs and we all start eating. "This is good." I hear Zak almost mumbling. "Yeah, true that." I tell him and continue eating.

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