Black as night, red as a sunset.

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(Play this tune if you're interested.)

Something didn't feel right. I wasn't in the same reality anymore. Every line, every curve and image was distorted. Thinking straight was not an option anymore. Things from the past came to haunt me and that... That made me lose my fucking mind! Flesh! I need blood! GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!!!!  Distant yells and screams.. Where in the living Hell am I? You know what.. I DON'T CARE! I AM FINALLY FREE FROM HER HOLDING ME DOWN, DAY BY DAY! I DON'T HAVE THAT STUPID COW IN THE WAY TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO! I feel someone shaking me.. I open my eyes to see Zak and some bright light shining in my eyes. He doesn't have the same warm and welcoming face.. I see.. fear?.. Why are you backing off? What's wrong? Wait, there's a mirror there.. I'm going to see what's... My eyes.. they are.. Black and.. red too? My pupils.. Red as sunset.. and why are my scleras (whites of the eye) black.. Black as night.. 

Plaguing Love. (Zak Bagans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now