Going to the beach

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After standing in the same place for a while, me and Zak decided to get ready for the beach. "Let's grab Gracie too." I tell him, while changing clothes. I hear him hum in response from a different  room. After changing clothes, we packed some sandwiches and drinks, took Gracie and left the house. Zak went to the car and I locked the doors. Gracie hopped onto the back seats, seemingly excited to go. I sat next to Zak as always and he started the car. We fastened our seat belts and we're off.

-Time skip by Zaks beloved hair gel-

"We're finally here." I said while stretching a bit. "Wonder if the water is warm." I thought for a bit.  All of us got out of the car and started walking to the beach. "Only way to know is to try." Said Zak and winked. I laughed and smiled sheepishly, followed by a blush. As I was turning around, I saw a glimpse of him smirking. I got a bit confused, but decided to ignore it. 

-Zak's POV-

We were walking further down to the beach and got ourselves a nice spot. Luckily nobody was around, then again it was a work day for most people. I set down our things on a beach mat we took with us. "Man, it's hot out today. I said, assuming (y/n) was next to me. "Sure is yeah!" I heard her from a distance. While scanning the area I see her walking in the water. I decide to make my way to her.

-(y/n)'s POV-

 'Seems like he's making his way here. Better surprise him with a splash.' I wait patiently for him to get close enough. As soon as I see him from the corner of my eye, I turn around, water in my hands and throw it at him. "Oh I see what's going on here." He smirks and steps into the water. Next thing I feel is water all over my face and a bit on my clothes. "That's exactly what's going on here!" I tell him with a louder voice. He laughs a bit and I splash him with the water, also while giggling. After a bit of doing so, I decide to take off whatever I'm wearing and go for a swim.

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