Pillow war.

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As my alarm goes off, I feel lazy, but still get up. I brush my teeth and throw some casual clothes on. About 10 minutes later I go to the bus stop and wait. "Ugh, how long is this bus going to take?" I wonder to myself in annoyance. After waiting for 10 more minutes, it finally arrives. The time was around 7.20. Perfect. I'll make it there at 8- just as planned. I sit back and start listening to some music. Time seems to pass quicker this way.

- Zaks P.O.V -

Upon getting ready, I look out the window and see a familiar person exit a bus, which looked rather hideous thanks to the roads getting a lot of salt thrown on them to avoid cars from slipping. I now see her getting closer and shortly she disappears from my sight. I walk back to the bed to check the time from my phone. After checking it, I slip the phone in my pocket and give a few finishing touches to my looks.

- (y/n)s P.O.V -

It's exactly 8 and I knock on Zaks door. I immediately hear him walk to the door and he opens it. "Nice timing. Very accurate for someone who hates waking up early on a Saturday morning." He compliments me and also picks on me, not because he's a bad person, but rather because it's true. "I think this is the first time I've ever made it anywhere on point in the morning, especially on a Saturday morning," I tell him with a pretend bored tone and yawn. "Also, nice hoodie you got. It's one of my favorites from the show." I add as I tug his sleeve. "Thanks, I like it too. That's why I wear it, y'know." He said with a 'proud of himself' tone. "Makes sense yeah.." I pause and look around while leaning against a wall. "So, what do you want to do, since we got a hour and a half, until we get a move on?" I ask him, even more bored now. "Want to take a look around the hostel, have a pillow-fight, watch TV or sit here and do nothing?" He asks with a somewhat childish tone. "Or, we could do all of those things.." I throw a pillow at him midsentence. "After we've had this EPIC PILLOW WAR!" And I throw all the pillows in the room at him. After doing so, I grab a few of them back and hide them without him taking notice.

- Zaks P.O.V. -

"Oh, it's ON!" I tell (y/n) and throw the pillows back at her. I also stacked up on a few extras, just in case. "Hahaa, you've just given a Death wish to the Reaper!" She playfully yells at me with a lowered voice to play the Reaper. I see a dozen pillows getting flung at me and she laughs, because I catch every one of them and built a fortress from them. "Try getting me now." I tell her with a sneaky yet loud enough voice. "Oh, I, WILL." She threatens and I feel pillows getting launched at me with inhumane forces. I jump up after a while. "Whoa, hold on, gotta catch my breath form laughing a bit too much." As we are having a break, both on the floor and panting, Jay walks in without knocking. "'Hey have you seen.. Uuuh, ookayyy, what's going on here?" He looks at us with a suspecting and very confused glare. (y/n) stands up, walks to him, and without a single emotion present explains everything that happened, and the reason why it happened with great detail. I was amazed by her ability to change her emotions that easily and from one extreme, to the other.

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