Moment of Divinity.

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- Zaks P.O.V -

As she calms down, she looks at me and without hesitation, hugs me tight. Now, she might not look so tall, but she's strong. "Thanks Zak, it means a lot to me, you know." She looks up at me and smiles again, then untightens her hug a bit, but doesn't let go. It's like she... doesn't want to let go. "Promise me, you won't leave. I don't want to lose more important people than I have lost already.." She said with hints of hope and sadness in her rather quiet voice. "I promise I won't let you go through that again." While saying that, I really mean it; she has been through enough physical and mental pain already, plus at such young ages. Although I know it's typical for people her age to be that way, but at least I want and will try to make a difference, since it really seems like she is telling the truth about everything so far.

- (y/n)s P.O.V -

Being in Zaks embrace was something I saw in my dreams, only once and no more or less than once. I can control what my actions and thoughts, when it comes to dreams and I did so that time too. I thought I'd never seen a dream so realistic before. I felt and sensed everything: the floor and carpet beneath my feet, the smell of the hostel room, Zaks scent, his shirt and the strong arms wrapped around me, like he's protecting me from anyone and anything that could bring harm to me. It felt safe and warm, like finally my broken and scrap-for a soul had found peace, at once. At some point, I must tell him, I believe in Satan, and I know he doesn't take it lightly.

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