Cursed home owner

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As me and Zak were driving back, I felt really sleepy. I was quietly dozing off, when he stopped the van. "Hey, we're here." He said and shook me awake. "Oh, uh.." I was a bit confused, after getting woken up so suddenly. As I was about to get out of the van I started whining a bit. "Ugh, I'm so lazy and sleepy." I tell him as he stands at the opened door of the big vehicle. "Do I have to carry you home?" Zak asked me, while smiling and giggling a bit. "Yeah, if you don't mind." I manage to slur out.

- Zaks P.O.V -

(y/n) really did seem tired, so somehow I managed to get her to stand, picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to her apartment. Suddenly, one of her neighbors opens the door of their home and looks at me. It was a rather weird, hateful look. They then shook their head, made a "Tch." noise and closed the door again. "Are they always like that?" I ask the Sleeping Beauty in my arms. She looks at me and notifies, that she wants to get down, so I let her down. Then, I hear a click and the door to the dark apartment is open. She motions for me to come in.

- (y/n)s P.O.V. -

I was a bit tired to answer my 'Prince on a ghostly horse' and I didn't reply at first. I turn some lights on and throw my jacket, along with my boots, into the closet close to the front door. I grab Zaks hand and drag him to the couch and pull his hand, so he would sit down. I finally take the time to answer him. "Yeah, every person in town will do that, since I'm supposedly cursed and whatnot. Pisses me off." I tell him, with a basically monotone voice. He now takes interest and looks at me with a rather puzzled look. "Why is that so?" I tell him the whole story about how I manipulate peoples thoughts and actions, along with making electronics malfunction and throwing things at people without touching anything.

Plaguing Love. (Zak Bagans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now