Camping trip!

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Morning rolled up. The suns light flooded the room and gently touched my face as I fluttered my eyes open. I squinted but smiled at the wonderful sight and turned around, only to be greeted by the sleeping face of Zak. I studied his features and smiled a warm smile. I started seeing and hearing flashbacks of different times with the man before me. I closed my eyes while inhaling slightly and opening them again after a short exhale. Eventually I get up, put casual yet comfortable clothes on and go downstairs. It was a bit noisy because Gracie followed me down the wooden stairs. We should really get some carpets or something similar so it would be more quiet and softer to walk. Guess we'll do that after coming back from the trip.

After making my way to the kitchen I took a look in our metallic fridge and got a quick snack. I had some juice on the side of it. At some point while eating I slowed down and took a look around the house. It's everything I've ever wanted. A man who loves me no matter what, a lovely dog, the house of my dreams and pretty much everything I've ever desired. Sorta strange to think all my fantasies about Zak are happening in reality. I never thought I'd get this far but then again, I never stopped believing in all this happening. My train of thought was cut off by stepping coming from upstairs. Guess he's awake. I finished my snack and drink. After that I went back upstairs to start packing for the trip and stuff like that 

"Morning love." said Zak, followed by a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at him. "Morning sleepyhead. Want breakfast or something to eat?" I ask him and follow him around the room. He thinks for a second and says why not. I take his warm hand and drag him downstairs. I lead him downstairs, find the nearest stool and walk him there. I grab his shoulders, sit him down and tell him to wait. While making my love breakfast I decide to grab a Bluetooth speaker and blast Rob Zombie "Dragula" and many other of his songs. I love him for his music style and voice, not to mention his looks. Zak just looked at me so I winked and smiled at him. In a few minutes breakfast was ready and I served it to my love. He nodded a thanks and started eating. After a few bites he looked at me with big eyes. "This meal is so good! I'm loving it. Thank you." I smile, nod, walk behind him and hug him. 

-Time skip to the front door- 

"Got everything we need?" "Yep, I believe so." With that said, we walk out of the house and lock the doors. All of our bags and other things were already in the caravan we rented a day before camping. We also hired a "dog nanny" to take care of Gracie for us, since she'd stay home. The place we have in mind is a lake which has areas for caravans to stay. 

I'm looking out the window as while listening to the car radio. Mostly it's random songs that happen to play but there are also some good ones. The sun is shining bright, the hills lay in front of us, the sky is blue as ever and the cat eye green grass really stands out from the whole scenery. The lake is still quite a few miles uphill so I've decided to take a quick nap before arriving at our given destination. 

-Time skip again-

Right before the car stops I wake up and look around. "Feeling refreshed?" Zak asks and smiles. "Yeah, sorry I dosed off." I smile back and scratch the back of my head. He just chuckles and continues driving until the beautiful lake and caravan places are in clear view. I gasp from the layout before me;  the lake is shining like gemstones in the sunlight and trees of different green shades decorating a stream running to that lake before us. There's 2 lakes connected by a stream running from the first body of water. I grab Zaks strong hand and drag him through the areas that lack sunlight, all the way to the edge of the clear-watered lake. I hold his hand tightly and examine the sight. Everything's so peaceful and perfect, it really couldn't get any better. 

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