
199 37 44

👑 Respect: Respect is a must!

👑 Commenting and Voting: Vomment so I know you are actually reading and active! I love spam tbh!

👑 Library: Add to your library/reading list for notification, I think this is quite obvious because otherwise you won't know when I update XD

👑 If you go on Hiatus or change you username. Notify me within 4 days otherwise I will have to lower your screentime slowly! (This is especially if you go on hiatus)

👑 Friends: Be kind to the others , no need to become best buddies but just dont bite at each other.

👑 No Hate: I appreciate ideas and opinions but dont go hating because you werent chosen or it happened different than you tought (you can request scenes)

👑 Follow (Optional): Please follow me! Communicating and mentioning you is easier that way! I have had problems in the past with this and that would be a waste of a good forms!

👑 Face claim: Anything that is passable as a face is allowed (Underrated ones are highly appreciated!) I'm mostly looking for ullzzangs, models and actresses but kpop idols are fine too!

👑 Forms: Neat and detailed please I dont want to write your character wrong or have to do a whole puzzle quest to find out all the information.

👑 Slots: Its not a first come first serve basis!

👑 Unique: Be original and remember no marie sues you are perfect just the way you are! Higher chance if your character is uniqie ^_^

👑 Patience: Patience is worth gold and I'm a human too attending school. Also I have a other a.f wich I want to proceed a bit further too at the same time!

👑 Most important: The most important thing is ENJOY and have FUN!! (*^▽^*)

👑 Password: It's basicly your favorite song off all time! ^x^

I know this is always a long rant and it makes the author seem like a bitch but this has to be done anyway ^^

15 votes for slots~

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