Chapter 26: Eyes like yours

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*Top off slide*

"Hyemi you are scared aren't you?" Yibo asked as they were already seated in a round tube. Hyemi was sitting in the front and Yibo was behind her.

"Ehehe how did you find out?" Hyemi chuckled sheepishly as the lifeguard was counting down to push their tube down.

"It's not ehehe you moron!" Yibo remarked at her "I noticed because you've been as stiff as a rake, since the moment we started climbing these stairs."

"Well it's too late to rethink my choice now." Hyemi chuckled trying to play it off cooly.

"Wha-" Yibo was about to ask when the lifeguard reached the end off his counting and pushed them off with all their might.

Hyemi let out a piercing scream and Yibo immediately bent forward to wrap is arms around her waist. She without thinking started clinging on to his arms as the went down the slide with a high speed.

"Hyemi," Yibo yelled as he saw the end off the slide come in sight "We're going to be blasted off the slide, hold on!"

"GOD HELP ME!" Hyemi yelled as they were lounched off the slide in to the water with the tube.

With a splash they landed in to the water and Yibo had to let go off Hyemi or they might have gotten hurt. 

Hyemi came to the surface first as she snorted out water and tried to breathe propperly again "Oh my god! I thought my heart would stop!".

"Don't you og my god me, you idiot!" Yibo grumbled as he surfaced too "Why did you get on if you're scared idiot?!"

"Because you looked so excited." Hyemi pushed out her bottom lip in a big pout.

"What even is that reason?" Yibo mumbled defeated, as he started drifting on his back in the water.

"Argh you know how I am!" Hyemi followed him in the water "You said it yourself, I'm reckles."

"And you are proudly repeating that to me?" Yibo's sharp voice made Hyemi shrink in more and more.

"I don't even know why you are mad..." Hyemi whisperd softly as she came to a halt.

"I'm not mad," Yibo sighed realising his voice had scared her "I'm just worried you might overexert yourself."

"I-I'm not tho!" Hyemi stuttert resolutely "I might have been scared but, I did it because I wanted too."

"Yeah, but sometimes voice out what you feel." Yibo reached out his hand and softly stroked her head, his hand coming to a rest against her cheek "You shouldn't always push yourself away for others. Especially not for me, I want you to tell me when you're worried, confused or scared."

"I...." Hyemi's voice faltert as she looked him in the eyes and noticed how tender and soft his gaze was "Compared to Yue his eyes are a lot darker."

"Won't rely on me just a bit?" Yibo questioned her as his voice turned gentle too.

Not knowing what to say, Hyemi took a step back and hid her face in her hands.

"If you s-suddenly say it like that!" Hyemi's voice sounded muffeld, as she was talking from behind her mouth.

Much to Yibo's displeasure their moment was interrupted as a loud yell could be heard followed by a big splash and they could see water splash around nearby the jitties.

"What the hell are those barbarians doing?" Yibo asked clueless to the fact that his sister had just been forcefully carried off the beach and trown in to the sea.

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