Vampires at my house-#9

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"Enjoy your remaining days of human life because sooner you are going to become one of us." Justin said suddenly changing the topic.

His words frightened me and I shuddered at my place.

"Ok darling, I am leaving for now. Take care. Your mom-dad are coming. Don't try to convince them about this vampire thing. It would be just wasting of time as no one is going to believe on your story." He said shrugging.

"Good night baby" he quickly kissed on my cheeks and hopped out of the window. I instantly wiped off my cheek annoyingly.


I opened the door, my parents came in.

"Sorry for being late honey, have you had dinner ? "my mom asked me, kissing my forehead

"No mom, I wasn't hungry" I said.

"Sweetie you should have dinner on time, Go eat something" my dad said softly.

"Yeah... going" I said coldly.

"What happened? You look so tired? my mom asked worriedly.

"hm... tennis practice mom. today I did lot of practice." I said stuttering.

I wish that I could tell them the truth about what was happening in my life but I was helpless because they wouldn't believe me.

"Oh ok. Good night honey. Sweet dreams" my mom and dad said and they both went to their bedroom.

I ate some steaks and went to my room. I tried to sleep but I couldn't sleep.

My dream was to become princess of fairy tale, not a bloody vampire. I admit that I was wishing some thrill in my life but not this one. I am feeling like there is no tomorrow ever. It's all doomed with the entry of those insane vampires.

Justin wanted to marry with me, it made me woozy when I heard that. I mean he quiet looking sexy and so many girls drool on him but I could not feel that kind of feeling for him.

We were good friends for quiet long time. We had spent lot of time together, I used to help him in his studies, We had so many tennis practices together. We both had great fun teasing Lisa and Robin on being lovey-dovey couple.

With all those happy memories, tears fell on my cheeks. But everything has changed now.

I have to do something to stop this. I need to rescue myself, I need to rescue Lisa. She must not knowing be that she is in love with vampire. I need to tell her this. With all this thoughts buzzing in my mind, I fell asleep.

 With all this thoughts buzzing in my mind, I fell asleep

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