Vampires at my house-#16

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In a fleeting moment I slipped from the second last stair.

"Aaahh..... Oouuuuchhh!" I winced in pain. My leg is not working, it is sprained. Girls are laughing at me, boys are grinning teasingly. No one is coming to help me. Idiots!

I am trying hard to get up but it's giving me more pain. All of sudden two strong arms lifted me up effortlessly. I snap up to see who's this?

"Justin, where are you taking me? Put me down, I can do it my own. I don't need your help just put me down."

Ignoring my babbling, he kept on walking holding me in bridal style.

After sometime he reaches to one of the rest rooms and placed me gently on the couch.

"Kate, are you ok, let me see your leg", and he moved to see my leg.

"What the fudge are you doing with my leg? You are not doctor ok? You don't need to act in front of me." I rumbled.

Again ignoring my words he touched my leg and then slightly rubbing his hand over my leg, he twisted it lightly.


I screamed loudly in pain but only before to see my leg was alright. The sprain has gone completely.

"The sprain has gone but still you need to be careful. Don't give more pressure on it for today, ok." He said in caring tone. Why he is making drama?

"Your mom was telling that you can do anything for me" I said him as his eyes widened on my statement.

"Yes, anything for you darling"

"Then please spare my life. Just because of you, I lost my best friend Lisa. I can't tolerate this anymore."

"Don't worry about her. Once you both turn into vampire, everything is going to be alright."

I clutched my head in depression.

"Call me if you need anything else. I am there for you", he smirked at me and walked away blowing a kiss.



Five days flew in blur. I keep on trying to talk with Lisa but she didn't budge. She began to avert me like I am stranger to her. Her behavior is killing me inside. But I can't hate her, she is avoiding me because I don't have any proof to make her believe on me.

I am big failure. I can't save my life. I lost my friend, and eventually I am going to lose everything, my parents, my soul, my humanity.

I closed my eyes tightly, letting my tears drop on my cheeks. I am alone, extremely alone.

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