Chapter 3

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(I hope you guys are enjoying it!)

At 7:30, I was scrambling around to get ready and make sure Brad was ready as well. I headed down stairs to tell my mom what Brad and I were doing. But, of course like always after a fight, she was drinking. 

"Hey mom, Brad and I are going to a..." I started to say, but getting interrupted. 

"Grab me that bottle of wine!" She demanded, plopping down on the couch. 

"Ok.... But like i was saying, Brad and I are going to a friends tonight,  Do you care?" I said handing her the bottle and the glass. 

"No. I trust you.... and i'm sorry for that fight with your dad earlier......"

"It's ok mom... I understand." I said interrupting her. My mom and i were always close and she trusted me to take care of Brad. 

I headed up stairs and hollered for Brad.

"Are you ready?" I said checking his room.

"Yes, just have to get my shoes on." He implied walking out of his room and down the stairs. I heard my phone vibrating and looked to see it was Cameron.

Cameron: Here, 

Me: Don't bother coming to the door we will be right out.

I didn't want the sound of the doorbell to bother my mom, that at this point was asleep. I hurried and put on a black tank-top and skinny jeans with a jean jacket. Brad was already outside and talking to Cameron. I walked out the door and jogged to the car. As i went along, I could feel Cameron's eyes checking me out. I giggled. 

"Hey, that's my sister, not a piece of meat." Brad said with a laugh, grabbing Cameron's attention. 

"Haha, I know I know." Cameron replied opening Brads door. His face was bright red. He quickly ran to the other side of the car and opened my door.

"My lady," He said with a bow, but he couldn't help but laugh. I laughed as well getting into the car. He pulled out of the drive way and started to ask my brother questions. Like sports teams and things he enjoyed. Brad was sure to tell Cam all about how much he loved the vine boys. Cam just looked at me and smiled. He was perfect, my heart melted in his beautiful, brown eyes. I started to think about how could he like me. My mind drifted but it was quickly brought back. 

"So how was your first day, Chloe?" Cameron asked.

"Oh, it was good besides the whole Emily thing." I replied, rolling my eyes at the thought of her. 

Shortly after we arrived at Cameron's place. His house was gorgeous! A good sized mansion. I was flabbergasted. I heard Cameron chuckle as we pulled up the drive. 

He got out of the car and opened my door. I stood up and waited for Brad to get out. Once he was out Cameron directed us inside, were Matt, Shawn, and Nash were on the floor wrestling. Brad was quick to leave my side and jump in. I sat and watched and Cameron offered me a soda.

"Pepsi, coke, Mt. Dew, or root beer. Guys stop it!" He demanded. The quickly stopped and noticed me. 

"Hey Chlo." they all replied.

"Chlo?" i said "I like it." I said taking a coke. They all stood up and started to pick at Brad a little bit. Cameron stepped in.

"Guys, it's not polite to pick on one of our biggest fans." He said smiling at Brad. Brad nodded. They all started to laugh and tease. Then they decided to make a vine with Brad, which i knew made his night. After the vine was filmed, Shawn came over to me and started to flirt a little, which took me by surprise. But i could tell that he was just pushing Camerons's buttons so i decided to play along. I could see the expression on Cameron's face turn from happy to jealous. He quickly came over to me and pick me up and throwing me over his shoulder, walking way from Shawn. 

"It's ok Chlo, I'll save you!" He said making it sound as if he was superman. I just laughed as he through me onto the couch. But Nash "bumped" into Cameron making him fall on top of me. 

"Whoops." Nash said laughing and winking.

Cameron shot up quickly and went after Nash. I sat there in aww. My cheeks were as hot as fire. I got up watching Cameron and Nash go back and forth. 

"I'm sorry for that Chlo..." he said, running his hand through his hair. I loved the way he said my name.

"It's fine. I bet you enjoyed it...." I said winking and running away from him. He ran after me and tackled me to the ground. I scrambled to get away from him but he was just to strong. I finally gave in.

"Ok Cam. I give up. What are you going to do now?" I said mocking him.

"Do you really want to know?" He said inching closer to me.

"Try m....." I was suddenly interupted by the feeling of his lips on mine. Our lips started to move in sync. And a moment that felt like forever was cut off by the sounds of ohhing and ahhhs. I put my hands around his neck pulling him in for one more quick peck, then i slid out from underneath him. 

"Try me..." I said running away again.

"Ohhh burn!" All of the other boys called out. 

I left him there on the floor and the look on his face was priceless. He quickly stood chasing after me again and this time throwing me on the couch. He sat down beside me and turn on the tv. The Bronco's and the Eagals were playing. We all rooted for the Broncos. The night went quicker than it seemed and soon it was 11. 

"Hey Cam, Brad and I should be heading home." I asked.

"Sure." He said grabbing his car keys.

"Chloe, can't we stay the night, all of the other boys are and it's friday.Please!?" My brother bagged. 

"I don't mind Chloe, I have a spare room if you want it." Cameron added.

"I'll call mom." I said stepping outside and dialing mom's number. 

"Hello?" my mom picked up half asleep.

"Hey mom. Do you care if we stay the night here?" I asked and also telling her how much fun Brad was having. 

"Sure i don't care. Just no sex ok?" She said laughing.

"Ok mom." I said hanging up. "Mom doesn't care." I said walking into the house.

"Yes!" Brad yelled running back into the basement and joining the guys. I started down the stairs when Cameron grabbed my arm.

"Hey Chlo..." he pulling me back up the stairs. "Can we try that kiss again?" He said pulling me into him. Our lips met and the kiss slowly started to grow. I felt his hands run up my sides and lifting me off the ground. My legs wrapped around his waist as he headed up stairs to the third story. He made sure to be careful and not break our kiss. Once up the stairs he walked into his bedroom, slowly laying me on the bed. I was running my hand through his hair and rubbing his neck. He slowly worked his way down to my neck which was one of my major turn ons.

"Cameron," i said sighing.

"Yes beautiful." he said continuing to kiss my neck.

"We haven't even gone out on a date yet." I said lifting his head from my neck, making our eyes lock.

"How about tomorrow night?"

"Sure." I said slipping from his grasp and running down the hall.

We raced back and forth as he tried to catch me, but i was to fast. We finally got down to the basement and it grew quiet.

"What took you guys so long?" Nash asked trying not to laugh.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I responded sitting down next to him. 

(I hope you guys are liking the story so far i know it's slow)

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