Chapter 23

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*Cameron P.O.V*

I knew I could've listened in on Taylor's and Chloe's conversation, but I decided not to. But while she was in there, I felt a slight vibration in my pocket. I got Chloe's phone out thinking it was my own. I looked down at the lit screen and see a text from Luke. The text read "I love you so much." with a kissy face. My mind immediately went to the thought of Chloe cheating on me. I didn't want to think about it that way, but it was hard not to. Maybe Matt had a point. Maybe this was on purpose. I started to get angry as I sat and waited for Taylor to done. Once I see the door open, I march over. I grabbed Chloe by the arm.

"We need to talk." I walked back to the closet and closed the door, locking it. 

"What's going on?" Chloe asked, looking worried.

"You tell me." I say a little more stern then I intended to.

"You're the one that pulled me in here!" She rose her voice.

"Would you like to explain?" I said, tossing her phone to her. She catches it and looks down at the screen. Her face turned pale. I sat waiting for a response. She stared at the screen for a minute in shock. She looked up at me and opened her mouth to speak.

"Cameron, it's not what you thing...." She continued, but I cut her off.

"I would love to hear what it is Chloe." I said laughing sarcastically, crossing my arms. She paused, looking pissed. 

"I was trying to, until you interrupted me. Anyway, before Taylor took my phone, Luke texted me, giving me crap about dating you and how I could do so much better. I decided to delete the messages and not respond. I don't know what made him say that." She looked back down to her phone, which was vibrating again. 

"Who is it?" I asked harshly. She didn't respond. "Who is it Chloe!" I rose my voice a little bit. "Let me guess, Luke?" I asked, taking a step towards her. She backed away which told me I was right. "What did he say now?" I snatched her phone out of her hand, looking down to see Luke's message. "I'm so glad you are going to dump Cameron for me. You have no idea how happy I am about that baby." I read the text out loud. I threw her phone on the floor,  holding back the tears, I ripped the door open, storming out. I heard the muffled sounds of Chloe calling my name, but I ignored them. Nash, Matt, and Taylor approached me with a billion questions. I walked right through them. 

"WHAT IT YOUR PROBLEM?" Taylor yelled stepping in front of me, pushing me back.

"Why don't you ask Chloe." I harshly spoke and shoved him out of my way. Taylor fell to the floor and stayed there. I continued to walk, as I felt the pull of Chloe on my arm. I couldn't here what she was saying over my mind rereading the text. 

"CAMERON STOP!" She stepped in front of me, forcing me to look at her. My jawl clenched shut. "Let me explain...." I interrupted her again.

"What is there to explain. It's obvious that you're dumping me for the asshole. So just leave me alone!"

"Cameron Listen!" She said once more.

"No Chloe, I am tired of listening! Every time I do I get stabbed in the back and stepped on. I thought I knew you, but I guess I was wrong. I can't take this anymore. I'm done!" I stormed off outside and got a taxi heading back to the hotel room.


The words "I'm done" was like a knife through my heart. I stopped and watched him walk out. If only he would have let me explain that Luke was lying and there was nothing going on, maybe I could have changed his mind. I turned back to the other boys, who stood so very confused on what just happened. I was confused to. I stood in shock as it settled in. Cameron just dumped me. I started to cry. Taylor and Shawn were the first ones to make it to me. They both wrapped me up and Nash and Matt joined as well. I bawled. 

"It's ok Chloe.." Taylor whispered into my ear. They all ushered me to a chair and sat me down. 

"Just give her a minute guys." Nash said. "I'm going to go find Cameron." Nash patted my back and walked out the door. I felt as the pounding head-ache set in.  I cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

"I'm bullet proof, nothing to lose, fire away fire away...." Shawn started to sing my favorite song, in hopes to try and make me feel a little better. Taylor reached over and draped his arm around my shoulder. 

"You want to talk about it?" He asked. I nodded

"Cameron dumped me." They all gasped. "for something that didn't actually happen." I started to cry again. "He thought I was going to dump him for Luke. Luke was sending me text saying he loves me and he is so happy that I'm leaving Cameron for him..." I had to stop.

"I thought I saw him today.." Shawn said. "I wonder if he knew Cameron had your phone and decided to text him those things knowing that he would see them." 

"Probably. But Cameron won't listen to me." I added. This was all to much. I need to talk to Victoria. She would help me. "I'll be right back guys. I'm going to call a friend.


Victoria: Hey! Hows your trip so far?!

Me: Good until this point.

Victoria: Whats wrong.

Me: Cameron dumped me....

Victoria: WHAT!??? I'M GOING TO KILL HIM! 

Me: I'm going to get the next flight back to Cali and I'll explain once I get home ok? 

Victoria: Ok, hang in there. I love you girl

Me: I love you to girl

I called the airport and the next flight was to leave at 7 o'clock in the morning tomorrow. I booked me a seat.

"Hey can one of you guys take me back to the hotel room and then to the airport. I'm going to go home tomorrow." I asked approaching the guys.

"I will." Taylor said waving to the guys. We walked out and caught a cab. Once we arrived at the hotel, I was praying Cameron was not in our room. I didn't want to see him. We walked up stairs and luckily he wasn't in our room. I packed up my things. I wrote Cameron a note that said, "I'm going back to Cali tomorrow. I didn't want this trip to go this way. I was not cheating on you. But I guess its to late to tell you that. I love you, I always will." I signed my name at the bottom and walked out with Taylor. I saw Cameron peak out of Nash's room and he looked at my bags, his face grew a little sad, but I continued out the door. Taylor and I walked out to his car and away to the airport we went. He pulled into a parking spot.

"Thanks Taylor. Bye." I said getting out of the car.

"You're not staying at here by yourself. I'll sleep with you here tonight and see you off in the morning." He said climbing out of his car. I was kind of glad. I need someone to be here with me. We walked inside and I got my ticket and we sat down. "I'm really sorry Chloe." He said. I nodded. Taylor was usually know as a player but he was being so nice to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

I felt Taylor nudge me to get up. 

"You better get to the plane." He said standing giving me a hand up. I nodded. I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. 

"Thank you." I whispered into his ear.

"My pleasure." He whispered back. I pulled away and waved good-bye. I walked through the crowds and made my way on to the plane. I sat and sighed. This was it. He truly was done. 

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