Chapter 24

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*Cameron P.O.V*

I was fuming. I know I should have tried to listen to what she had to say, but I just couln't do it. I was to hurt. As I watched her walk out I knew she was going home. I was kind of sad to see her go, but also kind of glad. I walked into our room and saw the note and read it. I threw the note on the night stand and went to sleep. 

I woke up to Nash banging on my door. "What!" I yelled standing.

"Get ready. We have to go in an hour." He walked in and sat on my bed. I caught myself asking where Chloe was in my head. I punched the door. Nash looked at me. "You're regretting it now aren't you?" I turned and looked at him. I wanted to say I wasn't but I just stood there. "When we get home, talk to her." He suggested, I nodded. "Well get dressed we have to leave soon." He stood, patting me on the shoulder he walked out. I looked at the clock. It was 10 a.m. Chloe's plan will land in an hour or two. I'll try to call her this afternoon. I hurried and got ready and met the guys in the hall. 

"So what are we doing today?" I sighed.

"We are having lunch, and then going to another VIP thing." Nash answered. I noticed the guys acting a little strange around me, did they know something I didn't? I brushed it off as we climbed into the van. As we drove my mind kept drifting back to Chloe. The fans are going to know something is up when Chloe is not with us.

"Guys, I have something to tell you all...." Taylor interrupted my thoughts. "I'm going to move to California!" He yelled. We all roared. It was exciting. I would love having him around. He continued to talk about the house his parents are getting him, and I come to find out it's only a few houses down from my own. We finally arrived and ate our lunch. Once we finished It was 12:30. We hopped into the van and headed to our the VIP meeting. I tried to call Chloe, knowing she would be home by now, but no answer. Of course. Why would she answer. I was a jerk to her. I threw away the only thing that meant anything to me. 

*Chole P.O.V*

Finally home I felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket. I look down and see a picture of Cam and I. Now he wants to talk. Now he wants to listen. I press ignore. I don't want to talk to him, at least not today. I see Victoria standing off in the distance and I run to her. We hug and walk to her car. Once in the car, I retell the events that transpired last night. I notice my eyes started to water. 

"Do you want to come to my house tonight? My parents are out of town." Victoria asked. I nod. 

"I want to go home first to at least tell my mom I'm home." I told her, she nods. The rest of the drive is filled with silence. I knew my mom would want an explanation for why I'm home 3 days before I'm supposed to but I don't think right now I would have the strength to tell her it's because Cameron and I broke up. Expecialy to Brad. He is going to hate me. 

As we pulled into the driveway, Brad opens the door in surprise. I smile and get out of the car.

"What are you doing back early? Where's Cameron?" He asked walking to me. I felt a sharp pain at the mention of his name.

"He's still in Indiana. I got home sick! I missed you guys to much!" I said trying to act as if I was happy. I walked inside. "Where's mom?" I asked Brad.

"She's up stairs cleaning." He turned and headed into the kitchen. I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs. 

"Hey mom. I'm home." I said quietly as I entered her room. She turned to face me. She could tell I had been crying. 

"Honey, what are you doing here? What's wrong?" She approached me. 

"I'm going to Victoria's tonight. I will explain everything tomorrow. I don't have the energy to do it right now." I told her as she embraced me in a hug.

"Is it Cameron?" She asked grabbing my shoulders. I nod. "We will talk about it tomorrow." She said, wiping the tear that fell from my eye. I nodded again, turning to head to my room. I took a quick shower and packed some clothes for the night. Once I was packed, I headed back out to Victoria's car. 

"You want to go to the mall?" She asked as I closed the passenger door. 

"Sure." I replied, trying not to think about Cameron. I felt another vibration in my pocket, expecting it to be Cameron. I was shocked to look down and see it was Taylor. I answered.


Me: Hey Taylor. What's up?

Taylor: Nothing. Getting ready to go on stage. How was your flight?

Me: It was fine. 

Taylor: That's good. I wanted to tell you something...... I'm moving to Cali! 

Me: No way! That's awesome!

Taylor: Yeah I know! I'm going to be living a couple doors down from Cameron. 

Me: That's awesome! That means we will be able to hang out more. 

Taylor: Yeah! Well I really should go. Bye beautiful.

Me: Beautiful? 

Taylor: Sorry, just stating a fact. See ya!

Me: *Laughs* Thanks, bye. 

I hung up the phone and couldn't help but smile. 

"What are you smiling about?" Victoria laughed. 

"Oh nothing." I said sighing. I could tell I was blushing. I felt kind of bad. Like I was cheating on Cameron, but then I remembered that we wern't together any more. We arrived at the mall and went to Auntie Anne's pretzels. I hadn't had breakfast. We ate when suddenly a group of girls came over, and Emily was one of them.

"Where's your boyfriend, Montez?" Emily asked with a fake smile.

"He's not my boyfriend." I faked a smile back.

"What? You guys broke up?" She laughed.

"Yeah we did." I said sternly.

"I knew it wasn't going to last long." She laughed and looked at her posse. 

"Lasted longer than you." I smiled at her. She shoots me a look.

"I'm going to get him back, and we will just see how long we last." She responds back.

"That might work as long as you can keep your slutty body to yourself." I found myself being a little more bitchy than normal.

"You know what? You just need to shut you're mouth." She responded.

"Oh, no come back for me?" I asked.

"You probably wouldn't have sex with him and that's why he broke up with you!" She yelled. That comment hurt a little bit but I brushed it off.

"Yeah, let's go with that. How about you go fuck him for me." I stood and walked away. Victoria followed. 

"Wow, I feel like I need to get on my knees and beg for mercy." Victoria joked. "You took care of her!" She pushed me slightly. 

"Somebody has to." I responded. "Why is everybody so threatened by her?" I asked.

"They are not threatened, shes just so annoying she repulses people." She laughed. "And the guys just like her for her body." We continued to walk around when another group of girls stopped us.

"Aren't you Cameron Dallas's girlfriend?" One of them asks. "Why aren't you with him at Magcon?" Another spits out. 

"I really don't want to talk about it." I reply. They nod and ask for a picture and I stand with them for the shot. We walk away as once again my phone vibrates. I look down. It's Cameron. I decide to answer it this time.

"Chloe, I'm so sorry...." He quickly spits out.

"Save it Cameron..." I harshly reply.

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