Chapter 40

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*Chloe POV*

I rushed to answer the phone.


Me: Hello?

Rose: Hey. I know its only been an hour or two but I wanted to talk to you about moving down there.

Me: Yeah. What about it?

Rose: Well my boyfriend and I think it would be great for us to move down there. We would move down a day or two before your mothers funeral.

Me: That's great! Thank you so much! I'll let you know about funeral arrangements. Bye.

Rose: Ok great. Bye.

I hung the phone up and screamed.

"What the hell?" Cameron laughed. I ran to him and kissed him.

"My aunts moving down here!" I jumped up screamed again. I was so happy. I wouldn't have to leave Cameron.

*Cameron POV*

I was happy about Chloe staying here. I felt the sudden vibrations of my phone in my pocket. It was Nash.


Me: Hey, what's up?

Nash: Hey. Have you heard about the magcon competition yet?

Me: No.. 

Nash: Oh, well they are holding a contest for Shawn, Taylor, Carter, you and I to take our biggest fan out on a so called 'date'. So each of us will pick our personal, biggest fan to take out to dinner. They have a 2 weeks to send in a video of why they are our biggest fan.

Me: Oh. Ok then. Um, when are we picking the girl? 

Nash: 2 weeks from this Saturday.

Me: Ok, I'm down. 

Nash: Ok sweet. See ya! 

I hung up and thought of Chloe. She already hated alll the attention from all the fans. I didn't know what she was going to think of this one. I would have to think of a way to explain it to her. 

"Who was that?" She asked. I choked.

"Oh, it was Nash. He wanted to know if I wanted to go hang with him at Taylor's." I made up a lie, kind of. I knew that he actually was going to Taylor's. 

"Oh, so are you going to go?" 

"If you want to, we can." I shrugged. She nodded.

"But, first I have to plan a funeral. Knowing my mom she has everything all set, but we need to set a date." She grew sad. She was being pretty strong. 

"I'll call them. You've talked to enough people today." I grabbed the phone and talked to the funeral home. "Is this Saturday ok, Chloe?" I asked. She nodded. She ran upstairs and changed and grabbed Brad. We climbed into the car and I texted Taylor to let him know we were coming over.

*Chloe POV* 

I was holding up ok. It wasn't easy but I had to be strong, for Brad. I was kind of excited to see Taylor. Cameron quickly stopped at his house changing his clothes and then we walked down to Taylors. I knocked on the door. 

"Chloe!" He swung the door open and hugged me tight. "I'm so sorry." 

*Cough* Cameron faked. Taylor pulled away. "What's up bro?" Taylor asked Brad. "Come in."

We walked in. Taylor's house was nice. I went and sat on the couch. There shortly after Nash and Victoria showed up. 

"CHLOE!" Victoria hugged me. "Are you ok?" She asked concerned. 

"Yeah. I'm doing ok." I responded. Nash came and hugged me. "Glad to hear that." He told me. I smiled. We sat and talked. 

"You guys want to go to a drive in movie?" Taylor asked. We all agreed and left. It was 6 p.m. and the movie wouldn't start till 9, but they wanted to chill for a while before the movie started. Cameron borrowed his dads truck so we could sit in the bed. Once we got there, Cam and I cuddled up under a blanket in the bed of the truck. Everyone else decided to go throw the football. 

"You can go play with them, Cam." I laughed. He shook his head 'no' and scooted closer to me. He started to kiss my neck lightly. I let out a slight breath. "Cam, go!" I pushed him.

"No." He laughed. 

"Fine, then I will." I jumped out of the truck and took off towards the group. 

"CHLOE!" Nash yelled before throwing the ball to me. I looked up and caught it. Once I had the ball in my hands, I noticed that Shawn and Matt both decided to show up, and now they were both chasing me for the ball. Matt being Matt, got to me first. He swept me off my feet and stole the ball. I thought of one of my friends, Brittney, that told me how much she liked Matt. I decided to call her.


Brit: Hey girl! What's up?

Me: You need to come to the drive in. Matt's here. 

Brit: On my way! 

She hung up and I grabbed Matt's attention. "Hey. My friend Brittney is coming. And I want you to talk to her." I winked at him. 

"Alright, alright!" He said in a funny voice and walked away. Cameron came and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me back to the truck. Everyone else followed. We sat and talked until Brit showed up. She pulled next to us. I ran to her and dragged her to Matt.

"Matt, this is Brittney." I introduced them. 

"Woah." Matt turned and looked at her.

"What?" She laughed.

"Your gorgeous." He smiled. She blushed. 

"I'll let you two be." I winked at her and walked away. 

I joined Cameron and Shawn, in the bed of the truck. 

'I'm going to use the restroom real quick." Cameron stood and walked off.

"Hey." Shawn scooted over to me. 

"Hey." I smiled. He started to sing with the song 'All of me' by John Legend that was playing on the radio. His voice was beautiful. I started to harmonize with him. He smiled. 

"I'll be right back." He ran to his car grabbing his guitar. "Say something?" He asked. I nodded. "Ok, but you have to sing with me." He insisted. I agreed. He started and I joined. Soon we had Nash, Victoria, Matt, Brittney, Cameron, and a bunch of people listening to us sing. I was nervous, but I enjoyed showing off a little. I never really was the type to show my talents. But they changed me. My friends. The people that I couldn't live without and they made me a better me. I was more open, and kind. And with the hard time that I just went through, you couldn't really tell, because it was hard to be sad around them. When they walked into a room, you could feel the happiness and they could change your feelings in a heartbeat. I really am lucky, I thought. 

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