Chapter 20

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*Chloe P.O.V* 

I love Cameron, but I wasn't ready to do it. I mean I somewhat have a mental block towards it because of my father, who at this point was sitting in a jail cell. I didn't feel bad for him, I felt bad for my mom. It's kinda hard to get a divorce with someone in jail. I wanted her to find another guy and move on. I laid back on Cameron's bed, taking a deep breath. 

"Chloe, it's fine, I understand." He said putting his shirt back on.

"I know but, I feel like I dragged you on a little bit, then through you on the floor." I closed my eye's feeling a headache come on, to much had happened today with Luke knowing I was here and going out with Cameron, scared me. He wasn't the nicest of boyfriends. He was also part of the reason I wanted to kill myself. He drug me on and on, then cheated on me with another girl I hated from my old school. That's part of the reason I was scared with Cameron. It's not that I didn't trust him, it was just a fear I had. 

"It's ok, I do understand. I know you probably have a little mental block because of your father. Compleatly fair." Cameron walked to the door as we heard a knock.

"Hey Matt." Cameron said opening the door. "What's up?" 

"Nash and I want to film a video for youtube. We were thinking of descising ourselves and then going and talking to our fans in the lobby. Like wearing clothes and things that we wouldn't usually wear." Matt showed Cameron a suit that he could wear. Cam looked back at me. "You can take the video babe. We will dress you up to." Cam laughed.

"Sounds fun!"I jumped up. "I have an idea. What if we dressed two of you as fans, then Cameron can be a news reporter, getting the inside scoop of Magcon. I'll dress up like a camera man." I laughed grabbing some raggy clothes.

spun around.

"I don't know who Chloe is, but I know this girl. And she's dating this guy named Cameron..." I approached him.

"Oh really?" He spoke sarcastically.

"Yeah, and the other day she was telling me about him. She said he was the best boyfriend she could ever ask for. He sends her good morning/ good night beautiful texts everyday. He's strong, handsome, caring, and her best friend." I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Well I know this guy, who's dating this girl name Chloe. He told me the other day that she was the most beautiful thing to walk on the face of this earth. He loves her with everything he has. He values her over his own life. She kind, she can sing. She has confidence, courage, and is his best friend. And she's sexy as hell." He laughed at the last part. He kissed me softly. I stopped.

"If you ever grow a mustache, I will never kiss you again. It feels to weird." I laughed and turned away from him. Matt and Nash looked like total fans. None of us looked like ourselves.

"Who's ready to go fool some fans?" Nash asked, handing me the camera. We all laughed and walked out of their room. We snuck down an elevator and left out of a back exit of the building, then going walking back around into the lobby. Nash and Matt separated from us with their own video camera. Cameron walked up to a couple of fans.

"Hello lady's we are doing a small bit for our news station about Magcon. Do you care if we interview you?" Cameron asked with a different, lower tone of voice. They nodded. "Hello, we are with  a couple fans down here at Magcon. Lady's why are you here?" He asked turning to them.

"Oh, well we love the Magcon boys....." They continued, but Cameron cut them off.

"Who's your favorite?" Cam asked anxiously.

"Nash and Shawn." The one girl responded.

"Why?" Cam wondered.

"I don't know. They are hot." She laughed.

"Cameron's hot to. Why don't you like him?" Cam asked with a serious tone.

"He's ok." She added.

"What if I told you I was Cameron?" Cam asked.

"You're not though." She laughed, looking at him as if he was insane. He began to take off his wig and other items, revealing that in fact he was Cameron Dallas. The girl freaked. "Oh my gosh! You're amazing!!" The girl reached out and hugged him. He hugged her back, and took a couple photos with her. Nash and Matt continued to trick people as Cameron and I headed back up stairs. As we entered our room, we heard the screams of people and knew that Nash and Matt had revealed themselves. Cameron laughed and grabbed my hand as I walked to his bed.

"Kiss me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?" He used one of his cheap pick-up lines. I leaned forward and kissed his lips gently. I went to pull away but he didn't let me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me close. I really did love him. He picked me up and threw me on the bed, breaking our kiss.

"Wow," I laughed "I'm going to get ready for bed. We have another long day at Magcon tomorrow." I said getting up and heading into the  bathroom to brush my teeth and change into my short shorts and tank top. I walked back into his room and there he laid on his bed cuddled up underneath the blanket. He patted the bed beside him, inviting me to join. And I did so. I laid down and cuddled into his chest. He was so warm. I soon then drifted to sleep.   

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