Chapter 28

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( Ok, I am just saying that If you want a song to listen to while you read this chapter, It is "Come Back to Me" by Trading Yesterday. It fits pretty well, and it is the song i played while writing it so. Just an FWI)

*Chloe's P.O.V* 

Cameron's voice just melted my heart. I wanted so bad to be mad with him, but will all that is going on with my mom, I couldn't. I knew I would need him tomorrow. I knew what was to come, but the sorrow, hadn't hit me yet.

"Where can I sleep?" Brad asks. 

"Oh, um, in the guest bedroom. That's a good idea. Cameron said he would hopefully be home around 1030. Victoria you can sleep in the third guest bedroom." I informed her, walking up the stairs. 

"Where are you going to sleep?" She crossed her arms and smiled.

"Where do you think?" I turned at the top of the stairs and headed into Cameron's room. I changed into his sweats and tank-top. I knew it was kinda weird, but we haven't officially broken up yet, so I had the right. I crawled into his bed and huddled up under his blue camo confider. I soon drifted of to sleep. 

*11:00 a.m*

I felt slight movement behind me on the bed. I shuffled a little, but felt a kiss being placed on my cheek. 

"Good morning, beautiful." Cameron whispered into my ear. I turned and faced him. His lips were so close to mine. I wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't. I turned back around and got up. I heard him laugh. "I see you're still wearing my clothes." He teases. I shake my head.

"Yeah, we aren't offically broke up so I still have a right to your clothes." I teased back. "And that's another thing." I turned to face him. "I didn't cheat on you Cameron. I am floored that you would even second guess that." I turned serious, and leaned against his desk. He placed his head in his hands, taking a deep breath. He then stood.

"I guess the only thing I could think of is that..... I really don't know. I was done at the thought because of what Emily did to me...." He continued but I cut him off.

"I can't even believe that you are comparing me to that bitch!" My voice rose a little. "I talked to her at the mall the other day." I accidentally let the words slip out.

"About what?" He asked.

At this point I might as well tell him. "She said that she knew that we wouldn't last long. Reason partly being because I refuse to have sex with you." I got angry at the thought.

"And you said?" He looked angry.

"I sarcastically said Well why don't you go fuck him for me." I laughed a little, he did to. 

"Chloe, I am so sorry. I don't think you understand that." He took a step towards me and his voice was soft. I stood, not looking into his eyes, knowing that if I did, he would win. "Please.... I can't.... I can't lose you. The thought kills me. You mean the world to me. I messed u...." I stopped him.

"Just kiss me." I demanded. He smiled and took another step. His hand went to my sides and mine around his neck, intertwining in his hair. His lips met mine. I missed this. I missed his touch. 

The kiss started soft and sweet, but then grew, like always. His hand climbed up to my cheek holding my head in place as he kissed my neck softly. As he hit a sensitive spot, goose bumps raced across my body. I took my hand underneath his chin, making him look at me. 

"I forgive you." I said softly. He smiled ear to ear. He lifted me up and spun me around. I laughed and demanded he put me down. He did so.

"Well let's get ready and head to the hospital." I said walking past him to grab from the bag I packed. I hurried and got dressed while Cameron unpacked a little. 

"So you guys good?" Brad asks as he walks into Cameron's room, followed by Victoria. We nodded. "Good now stay that way." I laughed. As I turned to grab a coat, I heard my phone ring. It was the hospital.


Me: Hello?

Doctor: Good morning Miss Montez. We have finished the test on your mother. Are you sitting down?

Me: Yeah.

I answered sitting on Cameron's bed.

Doctor: Ok..... After some test on some of your mom's blood, we found something. Miss Montez, your mother has stage 4 lung cancer.

I paused not breathing. Cameron sat next to me concerned. I started to cry.

Doctor: It is treatable, but not for long. With treatment I would say she would have about 8 months to live. If she refuses to do treatment, I would say 4 months. I am so sorry. We found it to late. Goodbye Miss Montez.

He knew I was unable to speak and hung up the phone. I dropped my phone and turned to cry into Cameron's shoulder. 

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked, kissing my forehead. I turned and looked at Brad. I motioned him to come sit with Cameron and I. Once he sat I decided to tell them.

"They did some test on mom.... They found out she has... Stage 4... Lung c-c-cancer." I burst back into tears and imbrace Brad into me. He started to cry. Cameron embraced us both while Victoria came and sat behind me. Just when I thought I had it made, it fell apart again.

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