Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning, not remembering where i was. I suddenly remembered my brother was in the hospital, but i became Cameron's girl. I snuck away from Cameron , who was still sleeping. I headed up stairs to make breakfast. 

"Pancakes and bacon? Yeah, that sounds good." I dug in around in the kitchen for the ingredients i would need. As i began to cook, I heard some shuffling down in the basement, then a huge bang. And soon to follow the sound of Cameron in pain. 

"What the hell did you trip over?" I asked as he came up the stairs, limping. 

"A chair." He said, with his eyes still half-way shut. 

"Well maybe if you opened your eyes you wouldn't have tripped over it." I laughed.

"Well good morning to you to." He sat at the table, and i placed a plate of food in front of him. 

"Once we get done eating, can we run to my house so i can change then we can go to the hospital. And where is like your mom and dad?" I asked taking a bite of my bacon.

"Ok, and they live down the street, they got tired of all of the guys just kind of making themselves at home, so they bought me this place." He stood hearing the doorbell ring. "Speak of the devils." He opened the door and there they walked in. But it was just Shawn, and Nash. 

"You guys going to the hospital?" Nash asked.

"No Nash, I'm going to stay here and eat ice cream all day." I shot him a look.

"That's not what i meant.." Nash shot a glare. 

"Yes, but were going to head to Chlo's house before so she can change and get in the shower." Cameron added grabbing his keys. "Let's go." We all walked to the car and headed down the road. Once we arrived at my house, i ran inside and jumped in the shower. After i finished, i walked down the hall heading to my room. When suddenly I felt someone grab my arm.

"Cam..." I started to say, turning to face my father. "Get off of me!" I said running into my room, locking the door behind me. Old memories started to flood my head of what my father would do to me as a child. He sexually abused me. And i've never forgave him for it. I broke down as my dad banged on my door yelling,k but i wasn't sure what he was saying. I cried and cried when suddenly i heard my phone vibrate.

(Text messages) 

Cameron: Hey! What's taking so long?

Me: I need you to drive down to the end of the street. It's my dad. I'll make it out, just give me some time. 

Cameron: Ok? What's going on?

Me: I am to upset to talk about it right now. I will explain later.

I watched him pull out of the driveway. I haven't even told my mom what happened. But i felt like i needed to tell Cameron. I hurried and got dressed. But how was i going to get out. I decided i would have to jump out of the window. 

"God, please don't let him catch me." I prayed, opening my window, slowly working my way to the edge of the roof. I slid down, and ran. Cameron saw me jumping out of the car and opened my door. Once we were both in the car, he sped off. I placed my head in my hands. Cameron rubbed my back. 

Shawn slowly started to sing my favorite song....

"I'm bullet proof, nothing to loose, fire away, fire away. Rickishe, you take your aim, fire away, fire away...." He continued. His voice was beautiful, and him singing that song made me feel a little bit better on about what just happened. But what he did next made my day.

"Oh how i love his teeth
 Oh his hair, I love his hair
 His face is so perfect, and i just want him in my bed tonight.
 Cameron Dallas, he's my boyfriend, oh how i love him so. You can't have him cause he's all my own, it's Cameron Dallas." He sang nudging me.  I remember that song from vine. I couldn't help but laugh. He helped me feel better.  

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