Chapter 26

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*Cameron P.O.V*

As the day went on, I couldn't stop thinking about her. After we got with the magcon meet, I went to go talk to my mom.

"Hey, honey. Whats going on?" She asked.

"I wanted to tell you I think I am going to leave early. I know there is a couple more days left but there's something I got to do." I pleaded.

"That's fine hon. Taylor is leaving as well so he can get moved down. Maybe you could go with him?" She suggested. I nodded and gave her a hug. I then went to go find Taylor to see what flight he was going to be on.

"Hey Cam, what's up?" Taylor asked, opening the door to his room. 

"When are you leaving for Cali?" I asked walking into his room and sitting in the couch.

"Oh, tomorrow why?"

"I think I'm going to try and get a flight back with you."

"Oh, ok, great." he seemed to have some distemper in his voice. 

"Why is it that like all of you guys are treating me weird?" You could here the frustration in my voice. 

"With this whole Chloe thing, you're like a ticking time bomb." He said as he packed his bags. 

"No, I think you guys know something I don't. You guys talked to her after I left didn't you." I stood and walked to him. 

"Cameron, she didn't cheat on you. And that's where I'm leaving it." Taylor turn towards me. "I suggest you go all the airport and get yourself a ticket." He motioned me to the door. I turned and stormed out. Once I was in my room, I called the airport and got myself a flight. Once I got the ticket, I checked my vine. I scrolled through the news feed. I decided to check Chloe's vine. To my shock she revined my video of all our pictures. I felt a little at ease.

*Chloe P.O.V*

"Chloe, are you going to give Cameron another chance?" Victoria asked as I laid on Camerons couch. I pondered the thought.

"I really don't know." I answered. 

"Well you better think quickly cause check out what he just posted on instagram. "Going back home to see if I can work thing's out" Chloe he's coming home tomorrow!" Victoria acted panicked.

"I'll talk to him when he gets back." I replied.

"You have fun with that." She laughed, sitting don next to me. "Maybe you guys need a break." She suggested. Maybe she was right. Maybe  we just needed to stop seeing each other for a little bit. And then maybe try again. 

"That's a good idea." I replied. Victoria chuckled. 

"I can't believe what you said to Emily today." She paused then we both started to laugh. 

"Somebody's got to put her in her place." I said.

"No I've never heard you talk to anyone like that." She turned serious.

"I think I used her to get my anger out with Cameron." I said looking at my phone with Cameron and I as my background. I stood and walked up stairs. Victoria followed me. 

As I walked into his room, I grabbed the picture frame that I had gotten him for our four month. I held it as I sat on his bed. I started to cry a little, looking at the pictures. "He was the best thing to ever happen to me." I said weakly. Victoria sat next to me and embraced me in a hug. 

"You will be ok." She explained. I heard the sound of my phone ringing down stairs. I stood and ran, almost hoping it was Cameron. I wanted to hear his voice. As I scooped my phone off the couch, I didn't bother to check who was calling. My excitement was ruined when the sound of someone's voice I had never heard before, filled my ears.

"Miss Montez?" The voice asked panicked.

"This is her." I replied.

"We were asked to call you. This is Dr. Roberson, and we have just taken your mom into the ER. Your brother, Brad, called 911 and informed them that your mother fell suddenly and wouldn't get up. We have Brad here at the hospital. He keeps asking for you. Can you please come?" The doctor sounded out of breath.

"Yes. I am on my way." I dropped my phone and ran out of the house as Victoria followed me. 

"What the hell Chloe?" She yelled from the front door. 

"It's my mom. Something has happened. I need to go. Please just stay here." I closed the door to the car and sped off. 

*Cameron P.O.V*

I decided to go to bed early, because the flight left at 7:30. For thirty minutes, I tossed and turned. I couldn't sleep and I didn't know why. I had a feeling that something was wrong. Ten minutes later I heard vigorously banging on my door. I shot up and flipped the lights on. I opened the door to Nash on the phone. He looked panicked. 

"Somethings happened to Chloe's mom." He rushed in and continued to talk on the phone.  

"What?" I slammed the door rushing to him.

"I'm talking to Victoria and she says that Chloe left frantically and said her mom is in the hospital." 

"What! I need to get a different flight. I need to be down there!" I ran to my cell phone calling the airport. They said that the earliest flight I could get was leaving at 4:30 a.m. I agreed and traded my tickets. Once I was done talking to them, I turned and packed my bags. It was 11 o'clock at this point. I decided I would stay up. Nash hung up the phone. 

"I don't know what's going on, but it sounds really serious." Nash said sitting on my bed. 

"Well, I got a flight for 4:30. So I have to leave in a couple hours. I need to be there for her, even if she doesn't want me to be." I sat next to him. 

"They were at your house." Nash chuckled. "Victoria said that Chloe said that's were she finds peace. And she still had a key so thats were they went."

I smiled at the thought of Chloe still wanting to be at my house. But her mother in the hospital. I didn't understand. 

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