Chapter 46

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(Wow over 200,000 reads! Thank all of you that vote and read. Means a lot to me. Continue to comment I love to see them!)

*Chloe POV* 

I woke up and see my phone with texts from Cam.

"Hey, beautiful" "You fell asleep I assume" "I love you." and the final one "Good morning beautiful." I texted him back and stayed in bed. Cam decided to call me. 


Cam: Hello gorgeous. How did you sleep?

Me: Hey babe. I slept really well. Thank the lord.

Cam: Well I wanted to check up on you. You kind of concerned me, you usally don't sleep this late.

Me: What time is is?

Cam: Almost 1. (he said laughing)

Me: Oh wow. I guess I really was tired.

Cam: Yeah, well i got to go. Got plans with the boys. I love you, talk to you later.

Me: I love you to. Ok. 

*Cameron POV*

Once I hung up the phone with Chloe, I left for the airport. I had to pick Becka up. The fan that won a date. The airport wasn't to far from my house, but I needed to figure out what to do with her until our dinner at 5. Once I got into the airport I met Becka and she actually surprised me. She didn't come running up and freaking out. She just walked and gave me a hug. I was impressed. 

"Hey Cam." She hugged me.

"Hey. You ready to go?" I grabbed her bag and headed out of the door.

"So what are we going to do?" She asked.

"Oh, I was thinking we could just go to my house and hang with the boys." I didn't wnat to be seen out with her in case Chloe would be out. 

"Ok, that sounds great." She smiled.

"So tell me about yourself." I asked as we got in my car and left. 

"Oh well, I'm just a small town girl with a desire to sing. That's what I want to do with my life. I want to make music." She smiled shyly. 

"Let me hear you sing." I laughed. 

"No." She giggled.

"I'll turn on the radio and you song along with what ever song is on." I leaned over and turned the radio on. She quietly sang along. From what I could hear she was a decent singer. "Your pretty good." 

"Thanks." She blushed. Soon we showed up at my house and the boys were already here. "Wow. I thought your house would be beautiful, but I didn't think it would be this nice." She laughed. 

"Thanks." I said getting out of my car and I grabbed her bag. She followed me into the house and all the guys sat with their 'dates'. "Hey boys." I said setting her bag down. They all stood and gave Becka a hug.

*Chloe POV* 

Once I got out of bed, I texted Josh to see if he still wanted to catch up. He gave me the ok and I asked him if 5:30 at red lobster was ok. He agreed. It was 2. I got up and did my make-up and hair. I put on a nice flannel shirt and skinny jeans. My aunt came up and asked what I was doing.

"I'm going to dinner tonight." I told her putting my ear rings in. 

"With?" She questioned.

"Josh, and no he's not my boyfriend. He's a friend from Indiana." I walked out of the door and down the stairs.

"I guess you can go. When will you be home?" She followed me. 

"Whenever I get home. I'm not sure." I said in a sassy tone. 

"Well ok then." She walked away from me. I called Josh and asked if maybe he wanted to go to the mall then get dinner, I didn't want to be around my aunt. Josh agreed and came and got me. 

"Hey. You look nice." He commented.

"Thanks." I laughed and shook my head. We listened to the radio and then shortly showed up at the mall. I got out and Josh and I walked to Barnes and nobles. I was kind of a book nerd when I had the chance to read. Which was not a lot anymore. But I thought going and looking at some books would be fun. 

As we walked around, Josh was finding ways to humiliate me. At one point he started reading 50 shades of grey as loud as he could in the child's section of the store. 

"Josh! Stop!" I slammed the book closed and walked away with it. He laughed and followed me. I placed the book back on the shelf and walked out of the store. I quickly got in line at starbucks and Josh met me in line. 

"Typical white girl status right here. Are you going to instagram it?" He laughed. I pushed him. It was like we never parted. He was my best guy friend besides Cameron. We waited in line and I got a frappe. Josh dragged me into a sports store which i wasn't into. I decided to call Cameron and check up with him. 


Cameron: Oh hey babe. What's up?

Me: Oh nothing just at the mall. What about you?

Cameron: Bout to go to dinner with the guys. So i got to go. I love you.

Me:I lo *click*

He hung up on me. He seemed to be in a hurry. I shook it off. 

"Josh." I called to him. "You ready to go to dinner?" He shook his head and walked to me. We walked  to the red lobster next door. The lady at the door started to walk to our seats, but on the way someone caught my eye. Cameron. But he wasn't with the guys. He was with a girl. I stopped dead in my tracks. 

"What the hell!" The words came out a little louder than I had planned. He spun around and look shocked. 

"Chloe, I...." I cut him off. 

"No I don't even want to hear what you have to say! If you think I'm going to forgive you after this you are dead wrong. We are done. You can call all you want but I won't answer. I'm sorry Josh." I then stormed out of the restaurant. 

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