Chapter 1: Don't Look Back

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Heyy!!! So, technically this is a Vampire Diaries fanfic, but I will try to explain things so anyone who hasn't watched the show or read the books can understand. Also, this won't have every event that happened in the show or books

The picture that should be on the side is of Damon and his car

Also, I want to apologize for any mistakes made within this entire story, what with dates, times, inconsistencies, and the like :p I'm not perfect, and neither is my computer's spell check haha


Alrighty, well, ENJOY!!!! :D


(June 16, 2013; about 8:45 p.m.)

Damon was, as usual, lying on his bed watching TV. His bedroom door was locked, as was his window; he didn't want anyone to come in because they would only tell him what a worthless piece of shit he was. It had been a week since they had last spoken to him without mentally abusing him, and Damon could no longer take it. His usual sarcastic self was gone and had been replaced with fear, depression, and anxiety; he was sure that, at this point, they were going to kill him.

As he thought of the different ways they could kill him, he heard the front door slam, making him jump up into a sitting position. Seconds later, he heard footsteps climbing the stairs angrily. Damon stared at the door, waiting for the person to break the lock and abuse him more. The steps stopped in front of his door and his heart beat faster, preparing for him to have to run away. His fear was getting closer to him having a panic attack.

The handle jiggled and then stopped, but the person didn't leave. Damon pressed his back against the headboard and drew his knees up to his chest.

"Damon? Hey, open the door for me, okay?" Caroline's voice was soft and calm as it came through the door.

This is how I die, Damon thought, panicked. "N-no. P-please go away," he said, his weak voice laced with fear.


Caroline heard Damon's broken voice through the door. My god, what have they done to him, she thought sadly.

"Damon, sweety, please. I won't hurt you, I promise." There was no response, but a moment later, she heard the bed springs squeak slightly. She listened closely and heard light, hesitant footsteps nearing the door. The lock clicked and she saw Damon look out at her through the small opening. He looked horrible; there were bags under his eyes, he was somehow paler than usual, and she could see he had been drinking a lot lately.

"Damon...," she murmured sorrowfully. He looked down at his feet.

"Do you need something," he asked quietly. The fear in his voice was still evident. Caroline frowned.

"May I come in?"

Damon looked back at her and seemed to think about it. He finally nodded and stepped back, opening the door more to let her in. She stepped inside and turned back to him. He was looking out the door down the hallway, and when he didn't see anything or anyone, he closed the door and turned around. Walking back to his bed, he grabbed a half-empty bottle of scotch from the floor. Caroline walked over to him and sat in front of him on the king-sized bed.

"Damon... I'm just gonna get straight to the point here. Elena, Stefan, Bonnie, and I were hanging out at my place when they started... talking about you. Damon, I left after a minute of them talking because they were being horrible. Sweety, I'm on your side."

Damon stared at her for a moment before shaking his head. "No, they sent you to kill me"

Caroline's eyes widened; she knew he was hurting, but she had no clue he thought they were going to kill him.

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