Chapter 12: And I Will Always Love You

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I'm just gonna say that I'm not sure why my story is rated PG-13. It's R, there's graphic sex in this thing, so hopefully I can figure out how to change that haha

Also, very sorry for the long wait, I was having slight difficulty finding time to write this. Chapter 13, or the next one, will be the last. I have also decided to start a new story that won't be up for a while, but will once I'm pretty close to finishing it.

Once again, sorry :/

Hope you enjoy! :)


(July 3, 2013; 8:15 a.m.)

Caroline woke to find herself in an unfamiliar bed; the sheets were silk and her bed definitely did NOT have a naked man in it. She felt his arm around her and realised that he was holding her so they were spooning. Her eyes opened and she saw on the clock that it was 8:15 in the morning; Sarah and Billy wouldn't be home until tomorrow, and Caroline hoped they wouldn't come home early and walk into Mike's room. The man in question shifted behind her, his arm lightly tightening around her, before he stilled once again.

She smiled to herself, but her smile quickly turned into a worried frown. Mike was known for avoiding monogamous relationships, his life after Billy was born being a long strain of one night stands; Caroline wondered if that was what she was to him. Another woman to add to his record. His LONG record. Her head spun as she tried to steady her breathing, wondering why she was even trying so hard to get him. But, she was and she knew her stubborn nature wouldn't let her stop until he turned her down flat-out.

Throughout her self-induced panic attack, Caroline had failed to notice that Mike had woken up. He watched her, oblivious to that fact that she was panicking, and thought about how she was better than the many others he had ever had. The happy feeling from earlier returned and settled in his stomach. Before he could determine what the feeling was, he felt Caroline take in a shuddering breath and let it out slowly and just as shakily.

"Care?" He whispered so as to not scare her. She gasped slightly before turning so she was facing him.

"Hey, good morning!" Her voice was a mask of joy to cover the panic and sadness she was feeling; Mike saw through it.

"What's wrong, Carebear?"

Caroline shook her head and looked away to the tv hanging from the wall. "I'm fine."

"Haven't we been here before? With you being upset, yet telling me otherwise? Remember what I said in the bathroom last time about knowing the difference between 'fine' and 'not fine' because I live with Damon and two women? Well, I wasn't lying, sweetheart. Now, tell me what's wrong," Mike murmured, hoping she'd tell him.

She sighed, and moved so she was almost out of his strong, warm arms. Mike took that as a sign to move so that he was leaning on his other elbow, and kept his other hand on her hip. She had a worried look on her face as she thought of a way to phrase her thoughts. Deciding to just go for it, she began.

"Mike... where do you think we're going from here? I mean, I know you aren't exactly looking for a long-term relationship, probably not a short-term one either, but... I just want to know what you want out of this," she spoke quickly, half hoping he hadn't heard or understood what she said.

Mike frowned and pulled her back toward him with the hand on her hip and slid it around her in a comforting hug. "You're right," he said quietly, feeling her flinch slightly and start to move away from him. He held her there, against his chest. "But you're only right about me not wanting a short-term relationship." He felt her freeze and could tell she was confused, so he explained.

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