Chapter 13: Love the Ones You're With

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Well, guys this is the final chapter. I have plans for a sequel, but I won't actually post it until I'm done. I'm sorry for the long wait, but I have finally gotten my shit together for all my readers.

Comment if you have questions or anything to add or change.

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Hope you enjoy! :)


(July 5th, 2014: 12 p.m.)

Mike was driving their red 1970 Chevy Impala down a quiet highway with Caroline in shotgun and Billy and Sarah in the back. They'd been packing all day yesterday and had decided to finally leave just before 4 p.m. Mike, being a reckless driver, had managed to make the 24 hour drive into roughly a fifteen hour one. His two younger relatives in the backseat had been used to the high speeds since cars could go that fast, but Caroline was anxiously clutching the holder in the door.

"So, should we call them to announce our arrival or just surprise them?" Mike asked, receiving no response at all. "Hey! Are you guys asleep or just deaf?"

Sarah and Billy looked up suddenly and each pulled their earbuds out of their ears. "What?" They asked dumbly, all in unison. Caroline blinked a couple of times and smirked at her lover. "Sorry, I was daydreaming and hoping to survive your driving habits," she giggled.

The two in the backseat snickered until Mike gave them a playfully annoyed look. "Just answer the question. Do you wanna call them or surprise them?"

"Call!" Sarah said, snatching her phone out of her jacket pocket. She pressed a number then held it to her ear, waiting for the call to go through. The other three listened to the entire conversation.

(the words with /..../ are for Alex, the others are Sarah)

/"Hey, Sare. How's it going?"/

"Great! We're actually just now driving past the welcome sign to Mystic Falls, so we'll see ya soon!"

/"... Really? Oh, ok, yeah see ya soon. Hey, uhm could you be careful though? I don't want you guys to risk getting hurt."/

"Oh, we'll be fine! Promise! Love ya, see ya soon, Sis!"

/"Love you, too!"/

The redhead hung up the phone and opened her mouth to say something, but never got the chance. The Impala was abruptly slammed into a ditch on the side of the road, knocking Caroline and Billy unconscious. Mike tasted blood and recognised it as his own; Sarah felt her own blood slowly dripping down her forehead. Billy's head was on her shoulder and Caroline was facing Mike.

Just as the long haired man was about to climb out of the wrecked car, there were a series of thumps on the roof signalling many people- or things- were above them. He and Sarah shared a look quickly, but it was cut short by a hand grabbing Sarah's jacket hood and pulling her through the shattered back window, her scream making her older brother's blood boil. He was then dragged out through his window by a different hand; Two demons were standing in front of the wreck and Mike and Sarah were shoved down to be leaning against the side of the car.

"What the hell do you want?!" Mike growled at their attackers, his sharp fangs popping into place.

The demon who had grabbed Sarah laughed menacingly. "We wanna make sure your loved ones and you don't never see Alex Moonscar again. So, say buh-bye to them while you're still around to do so." He stepped forward, slowly pulling a sharp wooden dagger out of his pocket.

Mike moved his arm behind him slowly and carefully pulled a slim magic blade out of a sheath. "You've forgotten that I learn everything from the best fighters in the world. The four of us could take down the two of you anytime," he snarled. Caroline and Billy, both covered in their own blood, climbed on top of the roof and stood so they were glaring down at the two demons. They then pulled their own blades out of their pockets.

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