Chapter 3: Foaming Like a Dog That's Been Infected by the Rabies

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Heyy!! I finally finished editing so I can upload haha :)

COMMENTS make me happier than VOTES, but BOTH would be awesome ;) (hint, hint, hint lol)

It's totally okay to comment even after this story is almost finished or completely finished. I will (hopefully) attempt to reply to as many comments as possible.


Sorry for any spelling, grammar, or reference mistakes! :)



(June 17, 2013; about 12:30 a.m.)

Alex, Sarah, Mike, and Billy Moonscar had been in Mississippi for a couple days now. They had received a call from one of their many contacts that the werewolves in the state had been infected with a new strain of rabies that appears only in werewolves. Alex had hoped they could isolate, contain, and exterminate the disease where it started, in Canada, but an infected wolf had escaped and spread the disease into America.

As of that day, only a few states had sightings of the rabies, so Alex was hopeful. Billy, her nephew and Mike's son, had created a cure for it, but it could only be delivered through a shot. And shooting a rabid werewolf with an injection of the cure without getting killed yourself was hard; Alex had tried, she knew it was near impossible.

So, here they all were, in the middle of their townhouse with guns in their laps, trying to keep the angry, infected, brainless wolves out of the building.

"I've got $1,255," Mike said calmly, pulling out a cigarette case filled with blunts. He lit one, took a puff, and passed it to the right to Billy.

"$1,300," Billy said, taking a hit and passing it to the right to Sarah.

"$1,305." Sarah bounced while in her seated position and also took a hit. She then passed it to her right to Alex.

"$1,550! I win!"

"Alex, you always win at Monopoly! Can't you let one of us win for a change?" Sarah complained as she threw her Monopoly money on the board sitting in the middle of their little circle. Mike laughed and took all of their cards and money and organised them in the banker's box; he had been playing the banker.

"It wouldn't be a fair win for you guys if I just LET you," Alex retorted in a "duh" tone.

"I don't care! I just want one of US to win," Sarah whined, gesturing to herself, Mike, and Billy.

"You mean, you want yourself to win," Billy pointed out accusingly.

Sarah scoffed dramatically, placing her right hand over her mouth. Billy rolled his eyes sarcastically, stood, and walked to the front window. The werewolves were sleeping, but the Moonscars all knew they'd be waking up soon; the disease not only caused lunacy, but also great amounts of pain. The pain seemed to keep them up most hours of the day.

"Looks like some of them are gone," Billy remarked thoughtfully.

"No, they either went into the woods or around back. They won't be leaving anytime soon; they may be mindless, but they still won't give up on prey easily," Alex stated matter-of-factly. Billy turned back and nodded. Mike got to his feet and, placing the Monopoly box on the beige couch behind him, pulled his only son into a comforting embrace.

"We'll wipe out the disease eventually, don't worry. I won't let you get hurt, kid," Mike murmured to the teen who was so much like himself. He would never allow his only son to come to harm, at least not intentionally. He'd always wanted the best for Billy, starting the day the boy's mother was forced to leave them.

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