Chapter 7: Hysteria When You're Near

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I didn't edit very well, so if there are mistakes, that would be why :/


I'm just gonna say that this had a very sad part toward the end, and there is some Michael/Caroline bonding goin on (not like that lol at least not yet ;p)



(June 20, 2013; 10:35 a.m.)

Damon, Caroline, Josh and the Moonscars had arrived late last night. Before they left, they had been arguing over who would drive, which caused them to leave a bit later than they had hoped. Josh had volunteered to drive Damon's car, and Mike had won the right to drive the other, unfortunately, so their car had never slowed to anything below 40 mph. They had almost crashed a few too many times.

But, they had arrived all in one piece, and their cars had survived without dents or scratches.

Damon was now sitting on a wooden park bench that was on the outskirts of an empty playground. He had texted Jeremy a few minutes ago and, because he hadn't responded, was worried the human boy had gotten hurt or something. He was relieved when his phone vibrated in his pocket notifying him of Jeremy's telling him he was just leaving.

Caroline and Sarah suddenly appeared on the playset. Damon had to smile when Mike joined them and pushed Caroline from behind, knocking her down the slide. It was then that Damon realised how great they could be as a couple. Before he could think about that any further, he heard footsteps coming from about a yard away.

Mike had heard it too, even from several feet away from Damon, and the trio left the grounds, giving Damon and the newcomer privacy.

Damon hated having his back to someone now, even though it had been four days since he'd left Mystic Falls, and the abuse. He couldn't bear turning to face the owner of the footsteps, though. The person, a human, walked closer then stopped behind the bench. Damon could smell motel shampoo and something else, something... strange.



He turned to see the boyish face of Jeremy Gilbert, but was disappointed to see the nervous and apologetic frown on his face. He'd never liked that look on the human.

"Hey, Jer," Damon murmured. His voice, almost a whisper, came out slightly weak sounding. He motioned for Jeremy to sit next to him, and the 18 year old complied. They sat quietly for a moment until Jeremy spoke up.

"Damon... we should talk about this. I know you probably don't want to, but... there's something I have to tell you."

Damon sighed. "Okay, we'll talk. What is it you have to tell me?"

Jeremy looked down at his shoes and played with a string hanging from his shirt. Damon waited patiently for the teen to tell him, and as he did so, he looked back over to the deserted playground. He thought of the children who used to come and play together while their parents watched them closely. The children who came here to get away from their parents, who wanted to escape the possibilities of new cuts and bruises. The kids who were luckier than him.

"It was all Stefan's idea. He made the plan to... hurt you, saying it would only go on until they felt you had learned a lesson. They were originally just going to yell and scold, maybe throw things at you, but not to actually hit you or... ya know..."

Damon merely nodded and stayed quiet, pushing his dark thoughts away and instead mulling over the teen's confession.

"Damon, I'm so sorry. I should have stepped in and helped you."

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