Chapter 5: A Hybrid?!?!

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Heyy! Sorry in advance for any spelling, grammar, or consistency mistakes. I edited very quickly, so I may not have caught everything.


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(June 18, 2013; 12:15 p.m.)

Caroline had moved to sit next to Sarah and they were giggling over something on the screen of Sarah's bedazzled pink laptop. Mike and Alex were looking at a report of all the rabies sightings throughout North America, and Damon was just walking out of the kitchen with a bag of Doritos in his hand when they heard the back door open and slam shut.

Damon yelped and dropped his Doritos when someone grabbed him around the waist and pulled him back. No one did anything as the man with brown hair and emerald green eyes held Damon, waiting for him to stop squirming.

"Josh, don't do that!"

"Sorry, not sorry, love. It's been too long, Damon. How've you been?"

Caroline snapped out of her slightly mesmerised state (which had been caused by Josh's beautiful Scottish accent) and looked worriedly at Damon. He had gone quiet; Josh noticed and turned him around so he could find out what was wrong.

"Damon, what happened? Did someone do something to you?"

Damon looked away silently and glanced at Alex and Caroline, wordlessly asking them to tell Josh for him. Caroline looked at Alex, who nodded, and then turned back to Josh to tell him.

"Uhm, well. First of all, I'm Caroline Forbes. I met Damon in Mystic Falls, but I only recently befriended him," she cringed, knowing the reason as to why she even realised Damon was a nice guy. Taking a breath, she continued, "As to what happened... well... it's Stefan. He and his friends have been bullying Damon, mentally and physically; I've been helping him out, supporting him. We decided to come looking for the Moonscars; he needs to be around people who love and respect him."

Josh had pulled Damon into his arms and was hugging him gently against his chest, although they were about the same height. When Caroline finished explaining, the blonde man nodded solemnly.

"Good. You're absolutely right, Caroline. He needs to be around friends. And I think he should stay away from the Falls as much as possible. Damon, sweetheart, are you alright with this?"

Damon lifted his head from Josh's chest, nodded, and smiled. "Of course. Why wouldn't I want to stay with you guys?"

They all smiled . Caroline could see that Damon was happy here, with the people who have always cared about him, loved him. Now that their ties to Mystic Falls have been snipped, Caroline was happy too. She was also worried, though; she wanted to call her mom, but she was afraid that the Sheriff would tell Stefan and the others where to find Damon.

In the meantime, however, the energetic blonde would shrug it off and talk to the others about her worries later. Right now, she wanted to see proof that Damon is bisexual. She had never been able to imagine him with other men; he just didn't seem like the type to sleep with men, but Caroline figured that the saying was true. You can't judge a book by it's cover.

"Okay, now onto a more cheery topic. Damon, I still don't believe you're bi."

Damon laughed. "Really? My apparently flamboyant personality didn't help at all?"

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