Chapter 4: Gotta Do what We Gotta Do

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Heyy, so I just want to say that I'm really glad if you're sticking by me in this story. I know I'm not exactly the best writer, so congrats for being able to stand me haha :)

Also, COMMENTS are awemazing, so I try hard to respond to all of them! :p

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Alrighty then! Enjoy chapter 4!!! :D


(June 18, 2013; 11 a.m.)

Caroline and Damon had arrived in Money, Mississippi, late the night before. Tired, they rented a motel room with double beds and retired for the rest of the night, or, well, morning. Caroline had woken up first and was just now returning with a small cooler filled with blood bags. When she closed their room's door and turned, she saw Damon sitting on his bed watching the news.

"Morning!" Her bubbly personality shone through as it has for many, many years.

He turned toward her and grinned. "Good morning! Whatchya got there, blondie," he drawled happily.

Caroline gave him a smirk at his nickname for her. "Blood. Our stash was running low so I went out and got more for us. I wasn't sure what types to get, so I grabbed every type."

Damon jumped up from the bed. Walking over to her, he grabbed the cooler and opened it. Grabbing a blood bag, he said, "I love A-neg, O, and AB-pos."

Caroline clapped excitedly. "Good, 'cause I love A-pos and B-neg. You ain't gettin' any of my blood bags," she sarcastically sassed in a fake "ghetto" voice. Damon laughed before placing the bag to his lips and drinking. He threw the empty bag away and set the cooler on the small mahogany table, placing the lid on top of it. It was then that Caroline noticed he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

Bounding over to his black leather suitcase, which was under the window at the back of the room, and unzipped it. As Damon watched her with amusement, she dug through his clothing and picked out a short-sleeved, black t-shirt and a pair of black leather pants.

"Ooh, I wanna see you in these!"

Damon chuckled and, shaking his head at her excitement, took the clothes from her as she handed them to him. He walked into the bathroom to change. Shortly after, he came out wearing the clothes.

The shirt was form fitting and showed off his skinny yet muscular body. The leather pants went perfectly with the shirt and were comfortably hugging his legs. They both complimented his pale skin. Caroline's mouth fell open. He brushed past her and reached into his suitcase. When he stood up again, he was holding a dark blue scarf. Before Caroline could ask why he had a scarf, he pulled it through the belt loops on his pants. He tied it on his left side and let it hang down on his leg.

"Ooh, I'd be all over you... if you were my type. Ya know, not my new bestie."

Damon smiled. "Gee, thanks... I feel like I look gay..."

Caroline gave him an "oh puh-leez" look and put her hands on her hips. "You look fabulous."

"That's the problem," he yelled sarcastically, throwing his arms out.

Caroline laughed. "Okay, you look like sex incarnate."

"Thank you. That's much more manly."

She giggled. "Alrighty, well, we should now go find your friends."

Damon nodded and grabbed his car keys. Caroline opened the door and stood outside, waiting for him, when he turned back around and grabbed the room keys. After he locked their room, they both walked to Damon's convertible. Damon put the key in the ignition and turned, smiling slightly at the loud roar as his baby started. Caroline snickered at his obvious love for the car and closed her door. He pulled out of the motel parking lot and onto the old road.

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