Chapter 6: Sought and Found

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Heyy sorry for not uploading sooner! I've been busy with hw and I kinda ran out of inspiration. :/

But 'tis done!!! :D Yay!

Sorry for any spelling or consistency errors

Just to clarify, I'm pretty sure Jeremy is probably NOT bisexual in the show (or books), but he is for the purpose of this story. It helps build his character lol

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(June 19, 2013; 8:30 a.m.)

Sheriff Liz Forbes jumped out of her police car and slammed the door of her black car. She jogged angrily to the door of the Salvatore boarding house and pulled open the never locked door, walking swiftly inside and looking for Stefan. She urgently needed to talk to him.

Stefan was in the living room when Liz finally found him. He looked up from his glass of bourbon, but before he could say anything, she spoke.

"Stefan, you need to go get Damon and Caroline back. And apologize while you're at it."

Stefan sighed. "Sheriff, I doubt they'll accept it. And even if they did, Damon would never trust me again."

"You shouldn't have even done anything to him in the first place. What the hell were you thinking, anyway?! Damon has done some bad shit, but even he doesn't deserve to have his brother and his brother's friends terrorizing him. He obviously was putting up a facade, Stefan, and didn't mean any insults he said," Liz scolded the dirty-blonde vampire.

He merely nodded without responding and Liz went over to him. She took a seat next to him, grabbing his half-empty glass and setting it on the table. She put her left hand on his shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze.

"Just find them and bring them back," she murmured softly.

"Fine. But I have no clue where to start looking."

Liz sighed and stood up to leave. "Figure it out. Please."


Jeremy Gilbert had been there to hear his friends' plan to torment Damon; he had refused to join, but couldn't get in the middle of their plans. He disagreed with them all, and now he regretted not stepping in.

Stefan had proposed the idea, saying that they would stop when they felt Damon's "punishment" had been fulfilled. They were only going to yell at him and scold him, maybe throwing a few insults in the mix, but after a week, they got too carried away. Bonnie had thrown her grimoire at him for no reason, Elena had given him a few hard slaps to the face, and Stefan... Stefan had done the worst. He had kicked Damon, punched him, thrown him into walls. Jeremy was amazed that a brother could do that to his own flesh and blood.

He was lying on his bed in his room with his sketchbook and a pencil when he saw a shadow in the corner of his room. It was Alaric Saltzman, his adoptive father who had died months ago.

"Go find Damon. He needs you, Jer."

"I doubt he'd want to talk to me, Ric."

"I think he will. You never hurt him; you may not have helped him, but you didn't hurt him either. Find him, talk to him."

Jeremy nodded. Grabbing his phone off his bedside table, he found the contact, typed his message, and sent it.

Jeremy: I know I have no right to ask you this, but can we meet up somewhere to talk? I have some things I need to say to you that should be said in person.

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