Chapter 2: My Kind of Town, Chicago

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(June 16, 2013; about 9:50 p.m.)

Damon had been waiting at the bridge for about twenty minutes when he finally saw his travelling companion running over with three bags in hand. He had moved his own luggage to the back seat. Caroline smiled as she jumped into the the passenger seat. Damon shifted the gear and drove off down the road out of town.

"So, where are we looking first?"

Damon thought for a moment. "Chicago. I know some people there who may or may not be able to help."

Caroline nodded.

"Music?" She glanced over and nodded, wondering what he would play. Turning the stereo on, Damon chose a station; "Born to be Wild" came on and Caroline smirked. She sung (purposely out of tune) along with Steppenwolf, making Damon laugh.

"I didn't know you like this genre."

She shrugged, still smiling. "Most people don't know that. I'll listen to anything. Except country," she shivered sarcastically. Damon scoffed. "Not even Carrie Underwood?"

Caroline giggled. "Okay, a little bit of country. It all depends on the song." They both laughed again.

Suddenly, Damon started to sing along to the song, matching the pitch perfectly. Caroline cheered. "Dude, I didn't know you could sing like that!"

He shrugged. "You never asked."

"Touché." She shook her head, still smiling. As the song ended, they both sang along. "Like a true nature's child/ We were born, born to be wild/ We can climb so high/ Never wanna die..."


(June 17, 2013; about 11:10 a.m.)

Caroline had fallen asleep a few hours ago and hadn't yet woken up. Damon had driven the whole length from Mystic Falls, Virginia, to Chicago, Illinois, only stopping once for gas. They were currently driving along the river. Damon knew where their destination was, but he didn't want to wake Caroline up, so he was driving aimlessly around the city.

About 20 minutes later, he found himself on the outskirts of the city. Caroline stretched as much as possible within the confines on the car door and rubbed her eyes.

"Where are we?" Her voice was still thick with sleep, but Damon could see her waking up more and more every second.

"Chicago, but we're on the edge of the city."

"What exactly are we looking for," Caroline asked, turning to look at him.

"A bar called Euphoria."

Caroline scrunched up her nose at the name of the bar. "'Euphoria'? What is that, a strip club?"

Damon looked thoughtful for a moment. "Eh. Kinda. It's more of a hangout than a strip club, but there is a stage with poles. And most of the workers are... barely dressed."

Caroline looked shocked. "Really?! The girls and guys?" Damon nodded. "Jeez, who are your friends," she muttered.

Damon laughed. "If we're lucky, the owner will be there, or one of the girls. I'm friends with most of the people there, but those two are closer friends. The Moonscars are more likely to talk to them than anyone else."

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