Chapter 8: Who Do You Love?

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Heyy I'm sorry for taking so long to update, I've had personal issues to deal with, but I've finally finished the chapter!

So, yeah, I hope you enjoy, sorry about any errors within this




(June 23, 2013; 10:33 p.m.)

The case in Nebraska had turned out to be a group of rogue vampires. Alex, Mike, and Damon had taken them all out, as they put it. The others knew that meant they had killed all the rogues. Alex, however, had wondered why they had seemed more... organised than usual.

They nine of them (Josh had rejoined them) were staying in a small two-story house in the less-populated part of Alliance, Nebraska, all of them relaxing for as long as they could before anything came up. Alex was writing a list of possible reasons for the newly organised system of rogues that was forming.

Her first idea had been the less cooperative demons amongst her queendom. Her second was that they were planning an attack on her and her army.

Mike was in the kitchen making margaritas for them all; Caroline was watching him, occasionally handing him things. She went into a cabinet and grabbed nine margarita glasses.

"Do you mind getting the normal glasses instead? We save those for... other drinks," Mike asked, finishing the drink.

The blonde nodded and replaced the margarita glasses, taking out nine random ones. She placed them on the counter next to the skinny vampire and waited as he poured each full of the alcoholic beverage. Once they were filled, she grabbed five and walked them out into the living room; Mike grabbed the last four and followed her.

Alex, without looking up from the paper in her lap, took one from Caroline. "Thanks, blondie," she muttered. Caroline made a "mhm" sound and handed another drink to Damon, one to Josh, and one to Sarah. She turned around with her own drink in her hand and saw Mike hand the last three to Jeremy, Billy, and Stefan. The black-haired vampire sat in one of the empty seats on a red couch, and Caroline sat next to him.

"So, what do we wanna do today?" Damon looked around the room at everyone, waiting for an answer.

Mike sipped at his drink before making a suggestion. "I could see if we could get a gig today."

"Is Riley even in town," Alex asked, looking up from her list.

Mike grunted, "We'll find out after I call." He pulled out his phone and dialled a number. After a few seconds, he started to talk.

"Hey, Ri. You in Nebraska?"

The others were listening in, excluding Jeremy, and heard the other side of the conversation.

"Yeah, I am, actually. Lemme guess, you want a gig?"

"Aw, c'mon, Ri. What if I just wanted to chat or fuck?"

"Mike, please," Riley teased, obviously not believing him.

The skinny vampire chuckled and rolled his eyes, although the other vampire couldn't see him. "Alright, alright, we want a gig tonight."

"Great, I've got one... in 20 minutes. Can you make it?"

They had all stood and began moving to the door before the British vampire had finished the sentence. "Oh, yeah, we'll make it," Mike said. "See ya in 10."

"So, I'm gonna meet you there. There's something I have to do first," Josh said before walking to his own car, a dark blue '69 Chevy Chevelle Malibu. The others went to Alex's black SUV.

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