Author's Note*****

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Hey, readers! Sorry for the slow updating, I have had homework and writer's block, but that is no excuse.

So, I'm gonna write a little bio for some characters to keep y'all entertained.


The Moonscars-

Alex, 23, was and is the oldest of all the Originals. She was born on April 4, 988, in Thurso, Scotland, UK, to Esther Moonscar and Mikael Mikaelson. In order after that, Niklaus (1 year younger), Michael and Elijah (2 years younger), Finn (3 years younger), Kol (4 years younger), Rebekah (5 years younger), Sarah (6 years younger), Henrik (15 years younger), Zoey (almost 22 years younger).

When Zoey was born, Alex found out Klaus had been taking her brothers (Elijah, Henrik) to see local werewolves turn on full moons. The last time, he brought Zoey and Alex went with them. The wolves attacked, killing Henrik and Zoey, and Esther and Mikael were angry. Esther and Alex cast a spell that turned them all (excluding Esther) into vampires. Due to the fact that the spell required blood, Esther had killed someone (Tatia Petrova) and the blood caused Niklaus' werewolf side to come out. That was when they learned of Esther's unfaithfulness to Mikael; she has been with a werewolf on the trip to the New World in 988. Later, Klaus killed Esther, and Alex, Sarah, and Michael left on a supply ship.

After hijacking the ship, the trio meet up with their uncle, Morgan Moonscar (yes, from Scooby-Doo, deal with it haha. He's Esther's brother). He teaches them how to be pirates, and for a few years they sail in his fleet.

In 1063, the Moonscars meet their grandfather (again on Esther's side) who ironically happens to be Lucifer himself. He gives Alex the position of the Queen of Hell, giving her more power than anyone could imagine. Her powers as a witch increase dramatically.

Skipping many years to 1864, the Moonscars are living in Mystic Falls, Virginia, and have become friends with the Salvatore family, especially Damon, the oldest son. Katherine came, Alex got angry because Katherine had betrayed her. (Katherine was saved from Klaus' by Alex, and had promised to keep vampires a secret. She then repeatedly almost outed their existence). Katherine later got the Salvatores to fall for her, by compelling both, and eventually being the reason they even were turned. Alex cast a spell on Damon so he wouldn't remember that katherine had compelled him, therefore making him never remember that his love of Katherine was a lie.

Damon stayed with the Moonscars, while Stefan (younger brother, although you probably know that by now) went with a vampire named Lexi. Lexi help Stefan control his hunger and only drink animal blood. If he were to drink human blood, he would go "Ripper", where he would rip apart his victims then put them back together out of remorse.

In the late 1890s into the early 1900s, Michael "fell in love" with a woman named Angelica LaSierre in Albany, New York. After marrying, they had a son whom they named William Henrik Moonscar (Billy). When Billy was only a few months old (he was pretty much a four year old due to the fact that he was half-vampire/half-human and because I took that thing from Twilight), Michael caught Angelica cheating on him (she had always been cheating on him, he just didn't believe anyone else when they told him) and that she was a siren.

He didn't kill her, but he took Billy and the Moonscars (and Damon) left New York.

After her pirating years, Alex has kept many of her crewmates together and has since started an army of the supernatural. She has a training system for those who aren't skilled fighters, and Billy has taken the head of her security system. A friend of hers, Clarissa DeVoe, also helps in the security system.

The Moonscars (and Damon) hunt anything that doesn't belong on Earth (rogue vampires, misbehaving werewolves, demons throwing tantrums, ghosts, etc. If you watch Supernatural, you could say they're like Sam and Dean).

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