Chapter 10: Where My Demons Hide

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Holy guacamole! I am so sorry for not updating sooner!!! Ugh, I'm so bad at this.

Alright, so there are demons in Mystic Falls, and Alex, Damon, Stefan, Jeremy, and Josh have gone there to solve the problems.


Alrighty, well, enjoy!!!


(July 2, 2013; 7:30 a.m.)

Alex was in the large kitchen of her mansion with a mug of Irish coffee in her hand, reading the day's paper; apparently the woman she'd compelled to watch the place had continued the paper subscription. Two more people had been convicted of theft ($500 worth of jewelry), and another had been killed in an "animal attack." Alex knew the attack was a vampire, and she suspected the guilty one was possessed by a demon, as were the humans convicted for the crimes they did not remember doing.

Sighing, she tossed the paper on the breakfast bar and took a large sip of her coffee. "Demons," she grumbled resentfully.

"More people have been attacked?"

Alex turned to see Jeremy standing in the doorway, leaning on the frame wearing a KISS t-shirt and blue jeans. "Yeah, but nothing too bad."

"Why would they even be attacking anyone here?" He walked toward her and made himself a cup of coffee.

"I don't know, probably trying to rebel against me. They tend to be rambunctious as it is, but this I'm sure I can put an end to," she replied, then looked back at him curiously. "You're up early; something wrong?"

Jeremy shook his head and sipped his coffee. "No, I've just trained myself to wake up early and sleep lightly. It's a hunter thing."

"I'm the same way, though I really never sleep at all. I figure it's the only time when I'm at my weakest," the vampire muttered.

"But sleep is important, as we all keep telling you." Damon scolded, making his presence known. He was wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans that were both more form fitting than seemed necessary. "You need sleep, Alex."

She waved her hand in dismissal and took another drink of coffee. "It's fine. I'm fine."

"No, you're not. You're exhausted, I can see it," Damon countered. "Just half an hour of sleep, and you'll feel better."

Alex shook her head, making another attempt to discourage him from making yet another argument. "Damon, not now."

Damon sighed in resignation. "Fine. Whatever. What're we going to do today?"

"Hunt some black-eyed bitches and then go back to the others, hopefully ending within a day or two. Stefan and Jeremy can stay if they want to," Alex replied, voice switching to her business voice. Damon and Jeremy nodded as they left the kitchen. Alex walked into a back office area where they stored their weapons and began to take inventory and pack for their hunt.

Damon and Jeremy sat on the couch in the living and the former turned on the TV. Setting it to a cable station, they watched cartoons. Jeremy suddenly stood, climbed the stairs to go upstairs and returned shortly after with his sketchbook and a couple pencils.

The two relaxed, although neither could forget that they would be going on a hunt soon. Alex sighed as she reached for her old longsword, the one her Uncle Morgan had given to her. The weapon had spilt a lot of blood in its years, human and other. Alex refused to let her favorite sword go, so she cleaned and sharpened it as often as she needed.

There would be more blood spilled with it soon to come.


(July 2, 2013; 10:24 a.m.)

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