The battle goes on...

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Crimson walked up to celestia and Luna.

"The battle goes on..." Crimson blasted celestia and Luna took a shot right back at him.

Twilight came up behind Crimson and tried to land a blast but Crimson turned to shadow. 

"SHOW YOUR FACE YOU COWARD!" Celestia yelled

"NOBODY CALLS CRIMSON SHADOW A COWARD!" A yell came from behind them.

They turned around and Ivory, who had been fighting Rainbow and the others, was in the sky. Just then Crimson came out of the shadow and while Ivory battled Celestia, Crimson slipped onto the battlefield.


"No... I-I can't. They are-" His eyes started to change to blue

'YOUR ENEMY! FIGHT THEM!' They reverted back to red

"They are innocent! I can't!" His eyes then turned purple

Twilight then saw Crimson and just as she went to blast him Ivory saw her. 

"NO"Ivory flew in front of Crimson just in time so the blast hit her.

Ivory was out cold but, she was out of shadow form.

Crimson got up and took to the skies. He blasted Luna.

"No I don't want to fight!" His eyes shone purple

Fluttershy stopped him.

"You don't have to do this! You can live with me, and we can take care of animals together!" she smiled politely, and the element of kindness leaked magic. It seeped into the cracks of Crimson's element, and the stone cracked even more.

"NO!!! STOP IT!!! IT HURTS!!!" He shouted, as the whole field could hear. Crimson fell to the ground, and Rarity walked to him.

"And I can help you with anything. Anything you need, I can help you get it." She helped him up, and the element of Generosity leaked into the stone. It cracked even more.

"MAKE IT STOP!! STOP!!! PLEASE!!!" He said even louder. Applejack walked over, on the opposite side of Rarity.

"Ah can help you make friends, as long as you be honest will yourself." The element of Honesty leaked into the stone. Pinkie Pie jumped over to them.

"I can help you take a joke! And even laugh once in a while!" she laughed, and the element of laugher leaked into the stone. Rainbow Dash flew over

"I can show you how to use those wings of yours to fly even faster! And... I guess I can give you a second chance..." The element of Loyalty Leaked into the element of hatred. Twilight sat next to him.

"And I can help you control that magic of yours to use for good." The element of magic seeped into the cracks of the stone, and it cracked even more.

"No.... NO!! NOOO!!!!!! MAKE.... It.... STOP.... Must.... Fight..... MUST.... OBEY..... Must... help... friends...." He collapsed, and looked at Twilight.

"If a person asks you something . . . no matter how many bad things they have done . . . would you fulfill their request?" Crimson asks her, a look of guilt in his eyes.

"Of course... if they are my friend" Twilight tells him

"Well. . . I want to be... but I can't..."

"Why? Why can't you just... be good again?"

"Because of my element of Hatred..." Crimson says, pointing to the cracked stone on the back of his neck.

"I have to do whatever this . . . stupid stone tells me to... If I want to... or not..."

"So.... It has a mind of its own?" Twilight looks intrigued

'You could say that..."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just one thing. . . I want you... to take this stone... out of me.... It's the only way to return things to normal.... Every person I turned... will return to normal..."

"But... Won't you....."

"Only my crimson form... Onyx will remain unharmed.... I just... I want him to have a fresh start.... we are completely different... I can't live without him, but he can live without me..."

"So sweet... for a villain." Twilight says, unsure if he is faking or not, but then she sees tears start to flow down his face.

"I try... So I ask again.... Would. You. Fulfill. Their. Request?" he asks in a stern, but weak voice.

"I. . . I. . ." Twilight turns to her friends, and they nod in approval

Lightning Cracks across the sky as Twilight, Celestia, and Luna use their magic to remove the stone. It shatters, as Crimson sighs in relief, and he starts to turn into stone.

". . . Thank you. . . For everything. . ." he turns to stone. The stone breaks, and the dust flies away in the wind. Onyx lays there where Crimson was.

"What... What happened?" Onyx got up and looked around

"How did I get here?" he asks, Twilight looked concerned

"Are you alright Onyx?"

"Uh yea, I think so. How did I get out here?"

"Don't worry about that..."AJ walked up to Onyx

"Ah uh... know where the portal is if you'd like to go home" AJ told him

"That would be nice... Thank you" AJ nodded and walked off and Onyx followed.

"Here it is" She said

"Thank you Apple Jack" Onyx said, happily

The mane 6, Shining, Celestia, Luna, and everyone else come to the portal after Onyx. Onyx turns around and his eyes are completely white.

"Hello everyone. You may know me as Onyx Lance, but that is not my true name. Only one pony here knows what it is. And that pony will keep that a secret for the rest of her life... Isn't that right, AJ?" Applejack nods in response

"...Anyhow, I need to return to my own dimension. When Onyx comes back, he will have No memory of this day. You need to make sure he has a good start, a good home, and good friends." Onyx looks to the mane 6

"It has been an honor battling you"

Onyx looks to Shining

"It has been an honor dueling you"

Onyx looks to Celestia and Luna

"It has been an honor meeting you"

He looks at the rest of Ponyville, who are staring at him

"And it will be an honor... coming back in the future."

Onyx charges through the portal and after a few seconds, comes back out. His eyes are now their normal color: black.

"Wha.... what....happened?" he asks, his voice was completely different

Pinkie Pie took a deep breath

"The short version please?" Onyx Interupted

"You lost your memory, not let's have a party!!"

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