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Author's POV

Your name was (Y/N) (L/N) and you were 17 years old. You lived alone as shy, anti-social yet kind girl. Being the quiet one in a group was a habit of you, that is if anyone ever wanted you to be in their group.

You only had one best friend who loved a game called 'Undertale'. He and you lived far apart from each other, so he basically spammed your skype chatbox full with 'BUY. THE. GAME.'. (I wanted to write BUY OUR TOYS so badly, but we're not in MLP XD)

You gave in after a week with too many messages saying the same thing over and over again, so you bought the game on Steam.

(F/N) was a nice guy, he may be an idiot who broke down your window and door twice when he payed you a visit, but he was still your best and only remaining friend. He is also a bit anti-social like you, if he's comfortable with everyone else around him, he's the most outgoing person you've ever known. But he was also protective over you. You saw him like a big brother, never as a crush.

Falling for boys was something you would want to do the least. No guy could ever fall for you either, you saw yourself sometimes rather as a coward, loser and worthless.

However, you were nothing like defenseless, your house had many hidden weapons and you had a frying pan plus a baseball bat in your bedroom.

You were always happy when you were drawing, listening to music, dancing to the music or even when you're just thinking about your own made adventures in your mind. Yes, riding a magical pink alicorn or unicorn was part of it at some point.

Let's talk about your house a bit now: Your house was more like a mansion to you, which felt empty, boring and emotionless most of the time, the main reason for this was that you were living on your own after your parents simply bought you the house.

The walls and all are clean but also dull with just white, gray and black. At least thirty more perople could fit into the mansion and live there, is had at least twenty big rooms (plus basement and attic) afterall.

Your room was one of the biggest room and was the only one with a colorful environment... and many plushies'n toys.

A decent person would think of you as a creepy girl and would ask you about why you have so many plushies and toys, you thought they were cute and reminded you of your childhood, plus it felt like the plushies gave you some company. They made you feel SAFE.

You've played through the whole Undertale game as pacifist, and you regret NOTHING. Basically, you fell in love with this game and its hilarious designed characters. Your favorite characters in the game were the Skelebros; the punny, yet lazy Sans and the enthusiastic, childish Papyrus.

What you didn't know was that there were more than just two of them.

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