Chapter 6 ~ Babysitting THEM (Part 1)

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Author's POV

"Oh sweetie, they won't be so hard to handle... They're not the devils!" Your mum said through your phone.

"But mum! I'm way to young for this!" You whined back.

Your mum wanted you to babysit two children, she still hadn't told you their names yet. Mums, ya know? The two of you were talking while you were unconsciously walking through your house. The skeletons were confused why you couldn't stand still, but more importantly, what you and your mum were discussing about.

"You're 17, plus they're only children, (Y/N). You can easily watch over them for a day. Afterall, you are a special girl." Your mum sounded frustrated about how you're still able to keep up with many arguments. Which is surprising for a shy and anti-social girl.

Suddenly your dad snatched the phone out of your mum's hand. He was somehow almost exactly like (F/N). Maybe (F/N) copied his personality from your dad.

"HEYA (N/N)!" He screamed through the speaker, you had to hold your ears.

"Dad! Not again!" You yelled back as you came to a halt in the living room, in front of skeletons who were just curiously watching you. When you were talking with your family/friend then you ignored the stares of other people. (I'm also ignoring the staring people who think me and my friends are crazy for being so loud xD)

Your father giggled like a madman on the other side. That giggle gave you chills as you had a look of disapproval. It reminded you too frickin' much of (F/N).

It sounded like he was running with your mum screaming things at him, "Back to business! (Y/N), I need you to watch over these two kids! Your mum and I should babysit them but we've got no time today! So you NEED to watch over them, got it gurl?! Sure you did! The son of my friend will arrive in an hour or so with the kids! Gotta go now before your mum's got my head! Need to burn her phone! Hide the evidence! Plus myself! MUHAHAHAHAHA! Later! Love ya--!" "ASSHOLE!!" "NUUUUUUUU--!!" ---

Then there was a loud crash and long peep. You had a pokerface on when you stared at the display.

Okay first of all, what the fuck did your mum do to your dad? (You: o_o)

And second of all... how were you supposed to babysit two children in your house when your house is filled with skeletons who can't leave the building? You don't even know the names of the kids, you only knew they were both boys. Well shit.

Ink approached you, "So, what were you talking about with your father? Your face tells me that he said something quite shocking."

You shook your head, the stuttering back again, "I-I think my mum t-tackled him to t-the ground... R-Reminds me k-kinda of m-my friend... T-That's why I-I'm shocked... B-But the m-main reason why m-my parents called w-was that I-I have to b-babysit two boys a-at the a-age around ten."

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