Chapter 8 ~ The Attic's Secret Garden

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Author's POV

"um... kid? i think there's someone running around." Skullface informed you and the others after he spotted a shadowy figure running past him in fullspeed. The others looked at him in confusion.

"Who would just break in like this?" Red asked annoyed.

"Why would someone even break in?" Honey asked as he protectively stood behind Blueberry.

"Are humans really that retarded? And no, I don't mean (Y/N), so don't give me that look. My sweetheart is a special human~." G said as he brought one arm around your waist. The others were still glaring at him. You were blushing and the others noticed this.

Orange grabbed G by his hood and dragged him back, away from you.

"Leave her alone, Gaster!Sans." He said, G smirked at him.

Skullface realized something, "how are we supposed to defend ourselves without magic? i mean, you all use bone attacks and we forgot our guns. and I doubt (Y/N) has any weapons around here."

"ShE hAs A lOt oF WeApOnS." Error said.

"Who of you wants a frying pan, who wants a knife, who wants a katana and who wants a gun? Of course, we also got some other weapons like a friendship canon, but I'm not gonna give it to any of you nor will I take it out of its hiding spot." Ink added, with some weapons gathered in his arms.

"how do you even know she's got weapons?" Sans asked, Error rolled his eyes.

"ThAt'S eAsY. ShE sHoWeD Us sOmE Of hEr WeApOnS iN CaSe wE NeEd tO FiGhT."

Ink nodded, "While you all were settling in, Error and me asked her. If we do need to temporarily live here then we also might need to know where everything is, so we know the house if we need something."

Then he gave everyone a weapon but the innocent skeletons. Ink gave you your second favorite weapon, a Nyan Cat Gun. (If you play GMod, you might know why I picked the Friendship Canon and Nyan Cat Gun over normal weapons. xD)

Footsteps were echoing from the end of the long hallway. Everyone held their weapon, ready to strike.

"Now now, is this how you greet a new pal? Or in (N/N)'s case... an old one?" asked a familiar male voice.

You looked at the figure in the dark. Yep, you knew him.




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