Chapter 15 ~ Mad or Just Jealous?

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(Fights incoming. Just a small warning, this chapter contains violence. In today's chapter is no skeleton arriving due to you not being at home, and it's kinda necessary for your soul to be near the house... (F/N) is an exception, he can throw any skeleton he wants into the barrier.)

Author's POV

"Hey there, cutie~"

You lightly blushed, not because you were flustered or anything, no, but because he was making you feel uncomfortable. "So, what's your name~?" "I-I, um..." You stammered as the guy smirked. "Shy, are we~? Then I'll just call you cutie, or do you prefer babe instead?" You shifted uncomfortable in your seat and leaned a bit back. "Name's Derek, but you can call me your man~"

You couldn't see the three skeletons watching you through the cafe's window, but they sure as hell were feeling mad enough to kill the teen. They couldn't hear much through the thick glass but they were sure the human was flirting, making you feel uncomfortable in his presence. After a minute of attempts to flirt with you, Derek grew impatient. "Listen here girl, let's go to a room alone and have some fun. I promise you will enjoy our time together~" You stood up, preparing yourself to go away. "I-I'm sorry, b-but I th-think you have the wr-wrong person f-for th-this."

Before you could escape from their group, Derek jumped up from his seat and harshly grabbed your wrist. You yelped when he pulled you towards his chest. Now that you were closer to him, you noticed that his jacket smelled like smoke and a little bit of metal... blood.

"Let's take this conversation somewhere more... private~" You winced in pain when he harshly dragged you away towards the front door.

The three skeletons were beyond furious. Edge roared out in anger as he ran inside and launched at Derek with his eye glowing a deadly red. Derek let go of your wrist in surprise as he got tackled by Edge. You took a step back from their fight on the ground, thinking Derek could defend himself good enough anyway. Error followed him while glitching out. He used his strings to pick the other bad boys up, then he harshly threw the screaming teens against the cafe's large window, breaking it. The boys landed in front of the cafe, hissing in pain from the impact against the window glass. And last but not least, Nightmare slowly became his goopy, creepy self again. Witnesses in and in front of the cafe saw the commotion and ran away, screaming in fear while two humans actually called the police and ambulance. Derek and Edge were dangerously growling while trying to kill each other. The teen did take notice of his opponent being a skeleton, but that didn't stop him from punching Edge. Said skeleton's eye started to glow brighter as he summoned a bone into his hand. He rammed the bone into Derek's right arm, making the human cry out in agony. Edge chuckled in satisfaction as he summoned another bone, this time he hit Derek's left leg. The human had faced many things and could handle serveral injuries, but that was the first time ever a weapon had gone through one of his body parts.

Nightmare then suddenly picked Derek up, throwing him against the cafe's wall. Error managed to make Derek's goons become unconscious, they were all bloodied up by Error's strings cutting their flesh. Then he joined the other two and used his strings as whips while Nightmare squished Derek's rib cage in his tentacle's grip. Derek cried out in pain, tears streaming down his cheeks.

At that point you decided to step in, even if you weren't really brave enough to go against three killer skeletons who had lost complete control. Could you even try to talk to them anymore? You took a shaky breath and quietly spoke up.

"Um... g-guys?"

Suddenly were the skeleton stopping everything they were doing, nervously looking at you in shock. They probably forgot you were there, so they lost control over most of their actions.

"Y-You should g-go b-back h-home. Th-The p-police will arrive s-soon. Y-You c-can tell me l-later h-how you d-did th-that, o-okay?"

The skeletons then realized what they were doing and immediately let Derek fall onto the ground with a thud. "... Let's go, before something else happens." Nightmare said as he grabbed the other two with his tentacles and teleported back to your house's parking lot.

Your sigh in relief was cut short when Muffet ran to the counter, gasping at the messed up cafe. Blood was here and there while the window was shattered and half of the furnitures were either broken, scratched or have simply fallen over. "What happened here?! (Y/N), who did this?" She asked you, but before you could answer she spotted Derek and his goons all bloodied up and unconscious. The sight made her blood boil. "Of course! Derek did it again! That jerk!"

(G/N) casually followed Muffet, like nothing happened at all, unfazed by the now half-destroyed cafe. "I could help you refresh this mess, but I want something in return." Muffet growled at him as he smirked. "What?" "I simply want you to let (Y/N) work here whenever she is low on money, I doubt the money her parents gave her will last forever. And I want you to not force her to work everyday, only if she'd like and is able to."

Muffet hesitated and thought, but then huffed and took his offer.

"Fine. But fix everything here as soon as possible."

"Sure thing, bae~"

"... Don't call me that, you're the one being shit today."

"I'd prefer to be called 'poop', 'shit' is not a really nice word."



Yes, I named the bad boy Derek because of two reasons. First, he might be part of some chapters sooner or later, but you can make up yourself how he looks like. And second, I'd like to keep keys like '(B/B)' for maybe future chapters, so I won't use those this early for such simple characters that might not even appear anymore at some point. Then would that key be just unnecessarily wasted. If you named (F/N) or (G/N) Derek then you can either change the name or keep it for him. That would be fun actually to call all three Derek. :D

Sorry again for any grammar mistakes, I woke up to my mom screaming. We own a fish tank for about 10 years now and we haven't touched it today, but apparently did something happened to the fish tank and it started leaking like a freakin' waterfall. We spent about an hour and a half to get out all the fish, catch all the water with many buckets (and even waterproof baskets at one pont), and then we needed to use about ten towels from the bathroom to dry the ground. What a great way to start the day right? It was 8am in the morning, now it's 2pm. Jesus, that gave me kind of a heart attack when I saw it leaking that much. I literally shook in panic that I couldn't hold the buckets/baskets straight. XDD  

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