Chapter 12 ~ Are you a GENOCIDER? (Part 2)

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Author's POV

"Woa woa woa, guys," Core Frisk said as he stepped between the four skeletons "let's not start a fight, alright? It ain't wise to fight against someone with a gun. Besides, Cross, if magic doesn't work here then you can't retreive your knife that easily."

Edge finally noticed the giant knife and went backwards to stand in front of it, his gun was still aimed at the other two skeletons. Cross's white eye twitched, you swore you saw another child behind him glaring at Edge for a split second. Cross cursed under his breath while Geno gave Frisk a concerned look.

"what now? if magic doesn't work here then we're pretty much defenseless."

Core Frisk looked at your slightly shaking body and got an idea, a (f)risky idea (I'm done for today). He hesitantly took a step towards you and Nightmare. Edge changed the angle of the gun so it pointed at Frisk, who still took slow and careful steps towards you. The skeleton still kept one eye socket out for Cross and Geno though.

And since you liked children, you kinda thought that you could trust him at least more than the two new Sanses. So you stepped away from Nightmares back and moved a bit towards the grey child.

However, you stopped walking one foot away from Frisk because of the protective glares the newcomers gave you. But you had saved a bit courage to kneel down so you were at Frisk's eye level. Then you did the first thing you did to almost every kid you came to know.

You petted his head with a shy smile.

Frisk returned that smile plus a small grey blush.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Core Frisk!" He greeted as he held up his hand for you to shake. You giggled and took his small hand.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N)! It's a pleasure to meet you!" The four Sanses were actually jealous of you smiling at the kid and not them. Cross and Geno didn't know why though, neither did Nightmare. But Edge lived longer with you than the others, so he already took notice of his feelings.

"Those skeletons behind me are Cross and Geno." Frisk said as he glanced at the mentioned skeletons. Then his smile became a confused look. "That reminds me... (Y/N)? Why are the other two skeletons here?"

You gave him a nervous smile, "W-Well... it's um... hard to explain. For you see, I actually never wanted to get more than two roommates... my friend kinda broke through universes and delivered the skeletons here... He- err... wanted to bring only Sans and Papyrus from Undertale here, but something went wrong with his portal and now it's bringing their alternate versions here, too."

Geno raised a bonebrow, "wait- does that mean the other au's are here as well?"

"yA BeT wE ArE."

Error walked into the living room... with a bag of Doritos in his hands. You death glared him when you noticed them.

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