Chapter 2 ~ Breakfast and Bros

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Author's POV

You didn't know why but you had the urge to open this big purple door in front of you. And when you did, the first thing you felt was a harsh wave of cold air blowing against your small body.

But as soon as you stepped onto the dirt path which was surrounded by many trees and snow, you felt warm again.

Your body moved on its own, it walked further down the path.

You heard rustling from the bushes, yet you didn't bother looking at them, instead you simply kept on moving forward.

That was until you saw a rather weird bridge with what seemed like a bad built gate or fence of some sort.

You reached the gate thingy and were about to cross the bridge... your body suddenly stopped moving.

Someone was walking towards you, you were facing them with your back. The sound of snow crunching under them grew louder.

You could've sworn you mentally screamed something like 'Don't kill me, please.' or 'Y U NO RUN?!'
The person stopped close behind you.

"H u m a n . D o n ' t y o u k n o w h o w t o g r e e t a n e w p a l ? T u r n a r o u n d a n d s h a k e m y h a n d ."

Your mind screamed 'NO' over and over again. But your body obeyed.

You turned around, eyes almost completely closed. However, before you could reach your hand out to the shadowy figure, your vision became black.


You woke up, sweating and panting a bit. It wasn't a nightmare for you, but neither was it a dream, it felt too realistic. More like a vision? Were you really so close to meeting Sans and Papyrus?

That reminded you of Ink and Error. Were they real? Have you really offered two strangers from another universe to stay with you until their magic problem has been fixed?

Seriously, either you were now like (F/N) or you were just too kind and caring yet naïve.

You made yourself ready for the day and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, but you already smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen. Was someone making---?

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