Chapter 9 ~ His Hint

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Author's POV

"So, (F/N)... How the hell did you get here so fast? I just skyped with you some hours ago, and it usually take two or three days to drive here."

(F/N) shrugged with a smirk. He still wore his nightingale costume but had his hood and mask down.

"Don't ask me questions and I won't tell you lies." He answered, you glared at him.

"Why are-"

"I said don't ask me questions and I won't tell you lies." He glared back at you, his glare was sharper than yours. You groaned, frustrated about this conversation, which was going nowhere in particular.

"Dude," You started "I need some answers here. It can't be that so many damn skeletons just pop up out of nowhere. Only you can cause that much chaos within our reality."

"Not only me." He corrected you, you raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Wha-?"

"Your dad."

Realization hit you hard in the face, "Ohhh... Right..."

The teen rolled his eyes, "In any case, I just came here to see how ya doin' with the skeletons. Actually, I expected only the original brothers here, but it's still chilled to the bone~." He said with a wink.

"No puns today. Just no. And- wait... you knew about all of this?" You asked, slightly getting mad.

"Not about more than two of 'em." He answered "But I did know about Sans and Papyrus comin' over. I mean, you were the one to make that one wish about some roomies afterall, seems like something had gone wrong with the delivery system. The portal must have grabbed the other AU brothers aswell because they are almost the same as the original ones, just from another universe." (F/N) quietly mumbled some theories to himself, but loud enough for you to hear the information you needed.

After some theorizing, you spoke up again.

"How did you even open a portal to other dimensions in the first place?"

"Welp, that was easy. I used your mum's necklace. And here I thought only your dad and me could bend reality and play with time and space. Kinda makes me wonder, shouldn't you be able to do the same as us then?"

"I doubt it. I think I have more to do with this house-- YOU STOLE MY MUM'S NECKLACE?!"

He gave you his taunting face, which said something like 'See what I did there~?'.

"Maybe, maybe not, ask your mum~. Anyways, yes, you do have something to do with the house and its magical barrier. I hate it to spoil it to ya, but here's a hint:" He leaned a bit forward towards you with a serious look.

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