Chapter 14 ~ Maid Cafe

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(I just HAD to add them. #ShoeTheTape)

(STtale AU created by me.)

Note: (F/F) = Favorite Food, please something cafe-related. Or Doritos.

Author's POV

Fresh and Sci got themselves comfortable in your home while Ink talked to the last three newcomers.

"... and then a portal opened up under us and brought us here." Geno finished. Ink seemed to be in thought. "So in other words, you also don't have any information about this mansion." Core Frisk shook his head 'yes', Ink sighed. "We seriously need to find a way out soon. I don't know if anyone is messing with some AU's now or not since my magic doesn't work here either. At least the ones who I know want to damage AU's are stuck here as well, this is at least a bit of relief."

Cross stared at one of your plushies on the ground. It was the 'princess' which the others used to play as warriors. It kind of reminded him of you, in a way.

"Hold on--" Cross interrupted. "Who do you mean by 'the ones who you know want to damage AU's are stuck here as well'?" Ink sighed. "Well, I mean other alternate Sanses who want to destroy universes or damage them. Such as you--"

"I'm not destroying the other universes! I simply want to have mine back!" Cross yelled in anger.

Ink rolled his eyes. "I'm not saying that you're destroying them, I'm just saying that you're damaging them by taking parts of them." Cross huffed as Ink continued. "In any case, there's also Error, Nightmare, in a way also Cipher-- Wait. He hasn't been sucked here yet, he might have done something by now." Ink mumbled the last part.

Core Frisk noticed something. "Actually, where ARE Error and Nightmare? I haven't seen them in a while." Ink mentally panicked.

"So wait-- If Rainbow is gone and those two are missing... did they seriously follow her?" He carefully walked to the front door to test if his theory was right. As he reaches his boney hand out through the front door, a strong force punched him back into the wall. It wasn't strong enough to create a hole in the wall though. Ink hissed in pain as he rubbed the back of his skull. Core Frisk gave him a worried look.

"Ink! Are you okay?" He asked as he jumped off the couch and jogged over to Ink. The AU-creator sheepishly smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. I guess the more monsters appear, the stronger the barrier becomes." Core Frisk raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

"Well for starters, Error and me were the first ones to land here, that means I got to see the barrier developing more strength and force. And I realized that the more of us are stuck in here, the stronger it becomes." Ink thought before continuing. "When Error tried to got through the barrier when we landed here first then the barrier was just as strong as a closed door. When a few others joined in and Edge tried to go through, the barrier blocked him and pushed him a bit backwards. And now, after many monsters with magic are stuck in here, the barrier practically slammed me against the wall."

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