Confusion and disagreements

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"I bet she is cheating!" Mark said sitting down.

"Please I don't need to hear this." Jack said pacing back and forth.

"Finnely why don't you go into the other room with Wade and Chica." Haven said bending down to him.

"Ok mom." He smiled and ran off wade following him.

"Do you really think she would cheat. It's not like her." Tyler said.

"Guys please stop saying that word." Jack said covering his ears, still pacing back and forth.

"Guys I know Sam, she would never do anything like that. And if she was, with who?" Haven said standing up.

"My bets are on Ethan." Mark said.

"No way." Bob said joining the conversation.

"Guys from someone who has been cheated on I think I'd know if my sister was cheating." Haven said.

"Yeah maybe Ethan is just late." Bob said.

"But he is early to everything! It's a habit of his!" Mark said.

"Mark for the love of everything that is good In life would you please shut up." Jack said close to crying.

"Jack I'm sorry but we have to face the facts." Mark said.

"No Jack's right. You're not making things any better." Haven said.

"How about this, I'll call Ethan and prove you all wrong." Bob said pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Good idea bob." Jack said calming down.

Everyone waited as bob called Ethan. Yet there was no answer which didn't help their situation.

"Oh would you look at that, no answer." Bob said nervously.

"Oh god.."jack said panicking again.

"Jack you know Sam she loves you. She wouldn't hurt you. Don't listen to mark. He doesn't know Sam as much as we do." Haven said rubbing jacks back.

"Actually I knew her before Jack did thank you." Mark said.

"Really?" Haven asked confused.

"Yeah I met her through Mark." Jack said.

"Yeah I knew Louis. One day Louis introduced Sam to me and we became friends. Then when jack was in for vidcon they met. And now they are engaged." Mark said.

"And that could possibly end." Jack said.

"Don't say that." Haven said.

Back at Sam and Haven's house, Ethan and Sam sat at the table.

"Thanks for listening to me." Ethan said.

"No problem, you're smart checking in with me." Sam smiled.

"I really like her, I just didn't know if she wasn't over the whole thing with her breakup and stuff. I didn't want to seem like a douche asking her out." Ethan said.

"Please she NEEDS someone. She is going to go crazy." Sam laughed.

"And hey do you have a charger, my phone died on the way here." Ethan asked taking his phone out of his pocket.

"Oh yeah here." Sam said opening a drawer and throwing him a charger.

Ethan caught it and plugged his phone in.

"Thats weird." Ethan said.

"What's weird?" Sam asked walking over to him.

"I have four missed calls from mark and three from bob. What's going on?" Ethan asked confused.

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