No one is perfect

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"Sam!" Haven said and basically jumped into her arms.

"Hey! How have you been?" Sam laughed hugging her sister.

"Better now that I'm here." Haven said. She looked behind Sam to see Sean holding SJ.

"Sean, I'm so happy everything is ok between you too. Is this the little one." Haven said sitting next to him.

"Yup, this is Sean jr." Sean smiled handing the baby to haven.

"He is beautiful guys." Haven smiled.

"Hey Ethan how have things been?" Sam asked walking over to Ethan who was holding little Bailey.

"If I'm honest, not good. Haven has been dealing with her anxiety so much she locked herself in her room. Leaving me to take care of Bailey." Ethan sighed.

"Wow, how did you do with two kids?" Sam asked.

"Well Finn would take care of himself." Ethan said.

"Really, what do you mean?" Sam asked becoming worried

"He would make his own food and would go to bed by himself." Ethan said.

"I see." Sam said and looked at Finn.

"Hey Finn how are you?" Sean asked walking over to him.

"I'm fine." Finn said not making eye contact with Sean.

"What's wrong?" Sean asked.

"It's hard being the older sibling. Since you guys left mom wouldn't come out of her room and Ethan forgot I existed."Finn sighed.

"Wait I thought you call him dad now?" Sean asked.

"That's before he decided to forget about me and take care of Bailey. He wouldn't even make me dinner. Then when you called. Mom was so excited she started packing right away. And all they needed to do was sign my field trip paper. But no they were too busy. So I had to sit in class with the kids who had too many suspensions to go." Finn sighed.

"Finn I'm so sorry. You know that mom and dad love you." Sean said.

"Doesn't seem like it." Finn said under his breath.

"And please don't think me and Sam caused this." Sean said.

"No it's not your fault. You guys are just trying to get through life." Finn said.

"So where was this field trip?" Sean asked.

"Well we had to vote. Personally I wanted to go to this water park. But my teacher thought that was not educational so he chose to go to this art museum. But I really like art. I've always wanted to be an artist. So I thought this was the perfect opportunity to get some inspiration. Yet there I was sitting at my desk working on the elements of the periodic table." Finn said.

"Hmm. Well I know this pretty cool art museum here in Ireland. If you want, we could go. And I will even pretend to be an annoying teacher. But I will break one rule and we can get some ice cream." Sean said.

"Really? When!" Finn said.

"How about...... right now." He smiled.

"Thank you uncle Sean! You are the best." Finn said.

"Let me just confirm with my boss." Sean winked.

Finn laughed. "Couple goals." Finn joked to himself.

"Hey I'm going to take Finn out. He seems a little left out." Sean said quietly to Sam who was talking Ethan.

"Ok have fun. Be back by 6." Sam smiled.

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